Nintendo next gen rumours

Vysez said:
Unified buttons architecture? Temporal Full Pad Anti-Sweating? Analog shadow buffered stick?

Or a screen on the pad...
I'm going to say the latter is the case (call me crazy).

A screen on the pad has its uses. I'd be interested to see how N makes a console gamepad with a screen built into it without getting the "bulky" or "awkward" monikers. On the downside, gamepad price just doubled. :?
We don't need ATi to put a screen in a controller tho - Sega already did that years ago... A screen of any useable size would make the controller large and expensive, besides, why would you want to look away from your TV/monitor to look at a much smaller, lo-res controller screen during gameplay??? Unlikely possibility IMO.
Guden Oden said:
We don't need ATi to put a screen in a controller tho - Sega already did that years ago...
I wasn't implying that Ati would provide the technology for the screen itself, no, i was implying that they would work of the graphic unit to display graphics on the pads.

Now, will it be a complete IC on the pad, or a simple "relay" (for a lack of a better english word) between the VPU and the screen pad? We'll see.

Guden Oden said:
A screen of any useable size would make the controller large and expensive, besides, why would you want to look away from your TV/monitor to look at a much smaller, lo-res controller screen during gameplay??? Unlikely possibility IMO.

I can not really argue your points, since they seem valids and quite logical too.
But i'll just ask then what do you think Ati is doing with the Revolution gamepads?

Dave who follows the minutiae, such as the companies that the IHV buys and what kind of IPs the IHV have, might be able to enlight us about what Ati has, that could be interresting for the Revolution gamepad. Dave?

Also, when you think about it, controller, especially in the case of the Revolution, might not naturally translate to gamepad.
It might be a Eyetoy like device, and in this case Ati's participation is more than logical.

That, or it could indeed be Temporal Full Pad Anti-Sweatingâ„¢! Which would be cool, especially with fighters and shmups.
Guden Oden said:
besides, why would you want to look away from your TV/monitor to look at a much smaller, lo-res controller screen during gameplay???
Refer to FF: Crystal Chronicles or Zelda: Four Swords.