Nintendo increases R&D spending - N5 not a GC sucessor ?

thop said:
Even if the N5 bombs i don't think they will get out of the home console business. They still have enough very loyal 1st party fans to stay profitable (they might become the Apple of home consoles :D). And more than enough money in the bank to survive a few bad runs.

I think those gunslingers Sony and Toshiba are doing stockholders a favor by helping poor Nintendo -- now an old and feeble sheriff -- to the door before it is mortally wounded in the next gunfight. After all, Dodge just ain't big enough fer two more banditos of the likes of Microsoft and Intel. ;)
Guden Oden

N5 needs BROAD-BASE 3rd-party software support if it is to succeed, especially with a strengthened MS from this current gen.

Well third party support imrpoved a lot with GC over N64. The same improvement again would be more then good enough don't you think?


Which is why I'm convinced that the next Nintendo console will fully integrate their handhelds. IE: the GBA/2/DS _WILL_ be the controller.

That will never happen man, its a very stupid idea (to have a handheld like DS as the controller for a system).
The question is why should a developer chose Nintendo over Sony/Microsoft now? I'm pretty sure MS is pumping a lot of money in every possible direction right now to make the XBOX2 the console of choice for developers and gamers. The only real leverage i see for Nintendo is the GBA, unless of course the N5 is really that revolutionary. No idea how Sony fits into this.
Teasy said:
Well third party support imrpoved a lot with GC over N64.

Well, considering it couldn't get much worse the way it was with N64, that doesn't say a whole lot! :D There's still a lot of problems, the platform has a distinct lack of exclusive titles, and those that are meant to come out have a way of getting cancelled or end up on other consoles as well...

Many 3rd party games aren't of a very high technical standard either, FF:CC for example could pretty much have been a DC game for example.

The same improvement again would be more then good enough don't you think?

Well it would have been a good start at least! :p

Hope Nintendo realizes they can still sell buttloads of their own 1st/2nd party titles even with massive 3rd party software support; maybe even more as there will be more customers to sell to.
Nintendo have stated that revolution will be the successor to gamecube and also stated that it won't be a successor to the gamecube.

What they are trying to say is that revolution will replace the gamecube as their main home format, but won't be a traditional games console, thus won't be a successor to gamecube, but will be their next main format for the living room.

It won't be in the same category as xbox2 and ps3 and won't be seen as one of those, at the same time there won't be a direct successor to gamecube 2 for that particular market either.

In other words- they are dropping out of the console race.

This is just their way of saying that.

This is a smart decision, as the home console market is very cut throat and it wouldn't make financial sense to go up against Sony and Microsoft for another long, hard 5/6 years.
Many 3rd party games aren't of a very high technical standard either, FF:CC for example could pretty much have been a DC game for example.

FF:CC has amazing graphics. Graphics are on par or better than Tales of Symphonia. If you were expecting graphics with a similar style to the PS2's FF games, then you should wake up as that wasn't the goal for FF:CC. Just look at the Zelda games on GCN.
Well, at some point someone will have to do it.
Might as well be Nintendo. They could really use the attention, being first with a popular, widespread VR system, would cause.
If microsoft and Sony are the ones holding back on VR headsets, as standard equipment, Nintendo could get a head start in that field.

Actually, I think what'd be a real revolution, and what's going to be needed, and eventually coming, is a very sensitive device to be placed on the head(preferably wireless) and allow one to mentally control the game(after some training)... I'd finally shut those pc gamers for good, you know, specially if they patent it :devilish: , no more mouse+keyboard control advantage....

Once you've got that a nice 3d display(either wall mounted, holo or non-screen-vr aka images beamed directly into your eyes with the newest tech.), will be nice, and after that we can start experimenting with matrix esque technology, maybe at first you'd only hook an arm or two, and get'em inside the game, and later on full body immersion.

I suppose you work for Nintendo now just like you work for Sega? That is to say not at all ;)

I wondered how long it'd take for the old "Nintendo are dropping out of the console race" crap to re-apear. Why wouldn't it make sense to go against MS and Sony for another hard 5-6 profitable years? Honestly get a grip.

Guden Oden

Well, considering it couldn't get much worse the way it was with N64, that doesn't say a whole lot!

To improve on N64's third party support wouldn't say much. But to improve from a total of 290 games on N64 to already 460 games on GC says a lot.

There's still a lot of problems, the platform has a distinct lack of exclusive titles, and those that are meant to come out have a way of getting cancelled or end up on other consoles as well...

By this time in N64's life I'd be suprised if it had a single exclusive third party title. GC still has exclusive third party games coming and big ones at that. There are still problems but the situation is much improved over N64. Nintendo could still improve the number of third party exclusives a lot by doing what MS do (paying for games). Wether that will ever happen I don't know.

Many 3rd party games aren't of a very high technical standard either, FF:CC for example could pretty much have been a DC game for example.

Now this I completely disagree with. Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles was a lovely looking game:

You can say about FF:CC whatever you want but the graphics are really good, technically and artistically. I won't comment on SegaR&D, who still seems to be a bit bitter ;)
SegaR&D said:
Dreamcast could manage graphics far far superior to those of FFCC

What games have surpassed it then? I'm not trolling, I've only played a few DC games and am genually curious.
ok, yeah whatever guys.

ok, we understand , the DC is still the best hardware polygon pushing console.

now move on ....
I said a long time ago that N5 wasn't going to be a true successor to the gamecube. This just goes back to what nintendo said about the increasing demand on flashy graphics. That's why I don't think N5 will be capable of keeping up with the graphics hardware MS and sony are moving towards.
Qroach said:
I said a long time ago that N5 wasn't going to be a true successor to the gamecube. This just goes back to what nintendo said about the increasing demand on flashy graphics. That's why I don't think N5 will be capable of keeping up with the graphics hardware MS and sony are moving towards.

I think your way off, the graphics capabilities will be comparable. Nintendo's next console won't just be more of the same, with the impending launch of the DS, I'm leaning towards a console thats portable out the box. Built-in touch-panel screen, wireless connection/online, controller, GC backwards compatible, and play GBA games.

There not spending the extra R&D money for nothing.

A console on the go, that can also hook up to your T.V or HDTV.

The size of the GC is part of the reason I have come to this conclusion.
Teasy said:

What are you talking about?

Uh...I'm talking about the next cattle drive? :D

Seriously, what Nintendo plans to allocate toward Revolution's research and development next year might pay the tax bill on what has already been spent on Cell -- not PlayStation mind you, just Cell.

There's a reason why Sony and Toshiba are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in chip R&D...and billions to build the factories that will make it.

The consumer electronics industry is turning into a battle for semiconductor space, which has put Intel, the world's largest chipmaker, at the top of their "Most Wanted" list... :devilish:

So as costs continue their upward spiral, Nintendo has an opportunity to bow out gracefully. The economies of scale tomorrow's players are looking for involve taking risks that are several orders of magnitude beyond what Nintendo is willing to make.
Ooh-videogames said:
I'm leaning towards a console thats portable out the box. Built-in touch-panel screen, wireless connection/online, controller, GC backwards compatible, and play GBA games.

Oh, why not throw in the kitchen sink too? :rolleyes:

Look. The GC chipset is entirely unsuited to being made into a portable. Without a car battery powering the thing you'd run through batteries like a pothead with the munchies gobbling candybars. Besides, Nintendo has never made a stationary console backwards compatible before, no reason for them to start now. It basically can't be done, the cost would be staggering since there is no API abstraction between games and hardware in the GC. You'd have to include the full original chipset. That's massively unrealistic.

The size of the GC is part of the reason I have come to this conclusion.

Uh... Tell me what your reasoning for this was? Maybe I am missing the obvious here by not seeing how the physical size of previous gen will decide the architecture of the next gen. :rolleyes:
my thinking is, the next Nintendo console will have new ways of controlling and interacting with videogames, like the Nintendo DS, but taken a step or several steps further. I think the graphics capability will be a similar leap over Gamecube, that Gamecube was over Nintendo 64.
It should be comparable to Xbox Next and PS3 just as Gamecube is comparable to PS2/Xbox. maybe even better than just comparable if the Xbox Next hardware is locked down sooner due to release dates of both next-gen machines.

I believe the next GAME BOY will have a chipset derived from the Gamecube, not a copy & shrink of it. the next gen Game Boy should approach the performance of Gamecube and even surpass it somewhat, in some areas (while lacking in afew others) much like the PSP compares to the PS2, and much like the DS compares to the N64.