The DS and Revolution couldn't be further apart in sales potential and.
If anyone thinks that setting up sensors and waving around a remote without any sort of (useful) feedback is going to steal #1 from a feature-packed traditional console....hmmm.
The points in his summation are rather lame as well:
Slumping game sales -- At the end of a generation is this unusual? After 6years, the slump in PS2 hardware and software was actually rather tiny.
Unimaginative games -- Only if you want to take the viewpoint that not having cooking simulators is unimaginative. I think Xbox/PS2 have plenty of imaginative titles and I don't see this changing next-gen.
Expensive consoles -- At $199, the Revolution wont be significantly cheaper than the Xbox360 core.
Expensive games -- Are $10 cheaper games going to be a big draw? I doubt it. Nintendo's own GC games are +25% more expensive than Sony or MS games here in Australia as well.
Other points he made throughout the article:
Cheaper development -- How much cheaper? Certainly not as much as he is making out. If EA can pull of FN3 and MoH:A sticking to a 50% increase in budget (whilst recouping some of that through the above $10 hike), I don't see why most other companies can't do the same. But in the end, no matter how expensive next-gen development may be, the Revolution won't be cheap. Its not cheap to make a current-gen game.
GC second console -- "The GameCube was a cool “second systemâ€￾ because it was cheaper. The Revolution, on the other hand, is cheap enough to be “the people’s consoleâ€￾". That just plain makes no sense. GC was cheaper, and probably the same price as Rev, but hey, it'll plum work this time.
Image -- Its kiddy image works for it, its cheap image works for it, its oldschool roots work for it. We get it, nothing works against the Rev, right?
Controller -- It will be better, even if you can't see it yet ? Ok there. Might want the video you link to in your article to look interesting next time, btw. Sad the most interesting part was the billiards....
Like most articles, it gives Sony little credit for what they're delivering (Eyetoy, BR, power, features galore), MS little credit for what they're delivering (XBL, XBL Arcade, features galore).
It gave no criticism to Nintendo's decisions on the Revolution, it made out that low performance is good, wtf?
As a consumer, I don't care what it costs a developer to make a game, I just want it to look good, why don't these Revolution games look as good as my PS3 and X360 games? Oh well!
Why can't I play my favourite games either? Where is my MGS, my Halo, my GT, my DOA? Oh shucks. Oh well!
I'll just forget about that stuff, Revolution ftw.