Nintendo DS 3d performance


> If it's real, what's there to see? ^^

Of course it's real. It's their development site. They have docs, files, msg boards and other things to assist developers.
What made Gamecube the success the XBox wasnt, when as far as sales were concerned they were on roughly the same level? The exact specs and the price/performance ratio embodied in them, it was a more efficient design which got close enough in performance not to have it matter (if they differ enough it matters though, that is why new consoles are bought ... that is why the GBA isnt a competitor to the PSP).

Specs matter ... the PSP will be the XBox of it's time for a while, but if noone makes a decent competitor with a more realistic price point then it will rule the roost regardless. It is an oppurtunity lost, wether they are doing their own thing on other fronts or not.

Once the PSP is established and the costs are driven down it will be too late ... Sony will just repeat what they did in the console market.

> that is why the GBA isnt a competitor to the PSP

Well, it's more the other way around but of course it is. Ultimately they're both competing for the same money.

> Specs matter ...

Specs are an important marketing tool but they're no guarantee for fun. And certainly not innovation.

> the PSP will be the XBox of it's time for a while

I hope so.

> It is an oppurtunity lost, wether they are doing their own thing on other
> fronts or not.

Maybe. But it's Nintendo's loss not yours. Personally, I find it sad that a developer isn't more open to new ideas. Hardware for hardware's sake is the last thing the industry needs... but that is what Sony is giving us.
MfA said:
What made Gamecube the success the XBox wasnt, when as far as sales were concerned they were on roughly the same level?

maybe because Nintendo is not losing billions on this venture ??

Once the PSP is established and the costs are driven down it will be too late ... Sony will just repeat what they did in the console market.

Sony ps1 was the cheapest console of its gen on software and hardware. With expensive hardware abd software predicted to be as expensive as on the home market, it is not the same story again.
The PS1 had a gen to be the cheapest in ... by the time the PSP gets competition I doubt production costs will be a problem.
It's sad that a developer isn't open to new ideas? Just what ideas are you referring to? Nintendo on one hand is open to new ways of gaming, what with the Dual Screen and all. They were even innovative with Virtual Boy. I'm sure the Dual Screen will be a bigger success than the VB was in its heyday. Whatever specs the DS has I hope it can do some sort of 3d better than the N64, which could mean same graphics renderer but more geometry thrown on the screen. I also hope its 2d performance is on par with the Saturn. In the end I am glad Nintendo is trying new things to expand its market and become a more diverse company. None of this will matter if it sticks to its same old business model in being conservative with the games it selects to be on its machines. LEt's hope Nintendo is open to new ideas of having many different types of software on its machines without saying no to many mature titles.

And cybamerc, don't bring what happens elsewhere here when calling a member a troll. Everyone has a chance to prove they can be a contributing member to a forum. I don't see Shogmaster doing anything wrong right now in regards to trolling.
Wario world is the real nintendo development website.

PSP really excites me. Nintendo DS intruiges me.

I agree. I'm more interested in seeing what it is about, then I am interested in developing for it. PSP on the other hand is something I'd really like to develop for.

It's sort of strange as I'd develop on any platform right now, but when I look forward I just can't get all that excited developing on nintendo platforms as a 3rd party developer. The N64, Gamecube, and GBA are all cool platforms, but traditionally the majority of 3rd parties haven't had any luck selling games on them (with the exception of THQ on the GBA). Also we've already heard people saying they want to develop for PSP and PS3, a few 3rd party devs including xbox 2 with PS3, but has there been any 3rd party developers saying anyting about developing for next gen gamecube or nintendo DS? I haven't seen any just yet, but I could have missed some articles/interviews about it.
well those are all 3rd party devs, but they are also all japanese 3rd party devs. I'm talking about interest from developers in north america and europe, as those are the only markets I could sell a product in. Japan isn't the best place for non japanese made game titles to be sold. Traditionally it's a tough cookie to crack.

Nintendo hasn't been very communicative regarding the DS outside of japan I guess. I'm actually alittle suprised to see that devkits ar ealready out there... :?:

Anyway, as a gamer I'm more interested in the sony paltform as it will surely have more developer support and games compared to nintendo's platforms after the super nintendo.
Anyway, as a gamer I'm more interested in the sony paltform as it will surely have more developer support and games compared to nintendo's platforms after the super nintendo.

The PSP is going to have more developer support and games then GBA? Where do you get that idea?
Not the GBA (since it's quick and easy) but quite possibly the DS (since it's weirder, not as powerful, and quick-and-easy GBA will be more lucrative for quite some time.) At the moment, both seem to be attracting a lot of developer interest, which is good.
wazoo said:
MfA said:
The PS1 had a gen to be the cheapest in ...


the ps1 was the cheapest from the start
The PS1 cost $400 when it came out in Japan. The Sega Saturn cost $500. In America the Sega Saturn cost $400 at launch, and the PS1 cost $300. When the N64 came out in Japan the PS1 and it both cost around $250. In America they both cost around $200.

Software was of course cheaper on the PS1 side. But for the most part the N64 had the cheaper hardware.
The PSP is going to have more developer support and games then GBA? Where do you get that idea?

I'm talking about the PSP versus the the DS teasy. Yes GBA had lot's of developer support at the start, but that has really tapered off as of late. The reason for that is it's gotten difficult to sell any GBA game that wasn't using a license or had a big name attached. It also didn't hurt that Nintendo didn't have any real competition in that area, so obviously they would get all the developer support.

Sony for two generations has garnered more support and games for thier consoles, and I don't see that changing with them in the future.
thundermonkey said:
wazoo said:
MfA said:
The PS1 had a gen to be the cheapest in ...


the ps1 was the cheapest from the start
The PS1 cost $400 when it came out in Japan. The Sega Saturn cost $500. In America the Sega Saturn cost $400 at launch, and the PS1 cost $300. When the N64 came out in Japan the PS1 and it both cost around $250. In America they both cost around $200.

Software was of course cheaper on the PS1 side. But for the most part the N64 had the cheaper hardware.

in Europe, difference between Saturn and ps1 on hardware was much bigger, and the difference between ps1 and N64 on software was enormous for a long time (then Nintendo made some cuts but it was too late). So, as I said, ps1 was cheaper on hardware AND software (I should have added COMBINED).

> LEt's hope Nintendo is open to new ideas of having many different types
> of software on its machines without saying no to many mature titles.

Nintendo doesn't reject mature titles. What an odd thing to say.

> I don't see Shogmaster doing anything wrong right now in regards to trolling.

You would if you were familiar with his posting record on GAF.


> PSP really excites me.

Because you obsess over specs. Always have.


> I'm actually alittle suprised to see that devkits ar ealready out there...

Since last year.

> The reason for that is it's gotten difficult to sell any GBA game that
> wasn't using a license or had a big name attached.

That goes for any platform.
Re: ...

Deadmeat said:
Vertex Transform Capability : Max 4 million vertices/s
Polygon Rendering Capability : Max 120K polygons/s
Pixel Rendering Capability : Max 30 million pixels/s

Must have a built in T&L engine, as it would be impossible to achieve 4 million vertices/s without one on ARM9. Polygon rasterization capability is comparable to N64, but T&L has been improved.

Is Nintendo recycling the N64 GPU macro here???

AFAIK the N64 has a primitive t&l unit.

BTW, is this thing going pure software rendering, or will it at least include a basic 3d chip?(and why couldn't that chip be a MBX?!)

And from my memory, this things raw specs are a bit less than the n64's but it's probably more efficient.

Will this thing give voodoo1 level graphics? How about voodoo2?

I'm thinking graphics will be something like these. Specs are similar(tapwave actually has better specs) and the graphics seem about right for a system with the ds's specs doing software rendering.

Would be nice if they used a downclocked version of flipper though. At 8 mhz it would probably be whooping what the DS is capable of(similar power, better filtering and features) while costing basically nothing and using very little power. But perhaps to keep costs low, nintendo would be better off with a version stripped of basically all features, but a higher clock speed.

BTW, PSX wasn't the cheapest console, I think n64 and it were about the same price for a while because cd drives were still very expensive and the psx's design was a bit more complicated than the n64's.(but they later changed that with revisions of the hardware) In America, PSX games were on average $10 cheaper than n64 games(though the high profile games on both systems cost the same, $50), but I did see a few n64 games at the start that cost $80(doom 64......), but generally most were $50-$60, while most PSX were $40-$50......but n64's player choice only went down to like $40(or was it $30?) while greatest hits went down to $20.

*Sigh* It'd be nice if nintendo would release a portable gamecube. Considering gamecube + 5" backlit screen can get 2 hours of battery life right now, nintendo could probably use a more advanced process and reduce energy costs(if they could make it passively cooled that would probably help a lot) and get it handheld sized.(what's in the gamecube anyhow? like the top 2" are the disk drive, and the rest of it is padding and a circuit board with like 2 or 3 chips)

If M$ made something called XBoy, you KNOW Sony would have called theirs PlayGirl, and well... how the heck can you compete with that?
Oh, I'd know I'd love a handheld with the same name as a magazine that is full of naked MEN. Will Chou Aniki be a launch title?