Nintendo DS 3d performance

Paul said:
I can't believe you take anything Spong posts seriously. Those guys have made up more bogus articles than just about anyone else in the biz. (Excepting the inquirer perhaps). As a matter of fact, I would barely trust them if they said water is wet...

It's true. PS3 specs revealed at GDC 2003 anyone? Mind you they were *Dead* certain about it too.

Or what about Spong's report of Miyamoto making less games? :LOL:

They just took a quote from an interview, gave it a twist, and they had another 'exclusive'... Amateurs...
Guden Oden said:
I can't believe you take anything Spong posts seriously. Those guys have made up more bogus articles than just about anyone else in the biz. (Excepting the inquirer perhaps). As a matter of fact, I would barely trust them if they said water is wet...

Anyway, I have a sneaking suspicion Ique or WTH the thing's called wouldn't make a good portable chipset because it's got RDRAM in it which is expensive and sucks power. The entire chipset might be poorly suited for portable use from a power-useage standpoint.

I don't know if there are any "to the metal" N64 emus. It'd certainly be possible, but it would require some talented guys to sit down and reverse-engineer the instruction set etc for the RCP, if there aren't full docs available for the thing already. They're doing that with the coprocessors for various SNES games, but maybe emu writers simply like that machine better than they do N64? ;)

The Ique also supposendly gets very hot. BTW, wasn't Ique running at twice the clock speed of the n64?
I'd still rather see a 7 mhz flipper in this thing though. Similar power except now the cpu is free to do stuff, and better filtering.