Yeah, another generic post apocalyptic/unreal game is not what I expected from NT. Especially with them having a very nice PS3 engine on their hands, cost of developing which probably hadn't been covered by sales of Heavenly Sword alone. I guess poor HS sales is what made them go in more generic direction, but I'm afraid they might have made this decision way before PS3 really took off, and now some decision makers are probably looking back seeing how well some of the PS3 exclusives have been doing recently.
Heavenly Sword 2 after Enslaved maybe?
Some platforming is always much better than absolutely no platforming because no platforming reduces the game to the player traveling through completely linear corridors, that's a reason why platforming and climbing are added to games, because it breaks the monotony of going from linear corridor to linear corridor fighting enemies. And it's not about "aerial combo", it's about jump dodging, lack of jumping completely kills vertical dodging, a whole dimension of boss attacks and the resulting evasion tactics, GONE, COMPLETELY.
Some platforming is always much better than absolutely no platforming because no platforming reduces the game to the player traveling through completely linear corridors, that's a reason why platforming and climbing are added to games, because it breaks the monotony of going from linear corridor to linear corridor fighting enemies. And it's not about "aerial combo", it's about jump dodging, lack of jumping completely kills vertical dodging, a whole dimension of boss attacks and the resulting evasion tactics, GONE, COMPLETELY.
From memory, the Minotaurs and the big troll monsters with spiked balls too. I'm sure there are others.I disagree too in fact... name one enemy in a God of War game that allows you to use jumping as an effective means of avoiding their attacks?!... i seriously cannot think of any at all...
I disagree too in fact... name one enemy in a God of War game that allows you to use jumping as an effective means of avoiding their attacks?!... i seriously cannot think of any at all... that's what you have the right stick for, as Kratos' doesn't get enough height or air with his jump for it to be useful in that regard. His jump is used for the jumping sections which were great but were also the most frustrating parts of the game.
I played through Heavenly Sword three times in rapid succession at launch, i thoroughly loved it... and it was only years afterwards while reading online internet forums that i even realised the game didn't have a jump button. It was designed well enough in my view without one...
I don't think the game was monotonous either, and i thought NT did an awesome job of breaking up the gameplay sections... i certainly didn't notice i couldn't jump and it's probably because i never felt that i needed to.
Plus, for me... (and this is just a pet peave of mine) i sometimes feel that some games with platforming section are wrecked by having silly unrealistic jumping-jack-rabbit characters when the game is trying to take itself seriously, just because the devs want to please the genre fans or conform to a gaming genre "standard" that in actual fact is redundant in the game they're trying to make. I applaud NT for going against the grain and making a different type of game with HS... not all Hack&Slash games should be expected to play like GOW, or Ninja Gaiden, or DMC, or beyonetta.
The characters, story, animations and gameplay of Heavenly Sword was excellent and i think giving Nariko the ability to Jump would be uncessesary and break the immersion for me... As much as i love GOW games, i hate Kratos' very unrealistic double jump... when a game looks that awesome... why give the character a wierd silly-looking unrealistic mechanic simply for the sake of it? I'd prefer if they gave him a properly animated realistic jump and then designed the gameplay and levels around that.
Mario-height jumping should have died last gen as far as i'm concerned!
Hades Fight, I jumped to avoid his dirty low attacks...
On the other hand, I completely agree with you what you say about HS - I thought it played rather well and I really liked the combat, did not miss jumping at all. For instance: it is possible in HS to cancel your current combo whenever you want you full control and thus something I like!!
I don't mind jumping or no jumping. Don't you think something is missing in Heavenly Sword's grunt battles ? Is jumping the missing link ? The only memorable grunt battle I can think of is the one full of damn gorillas. Made me run all over the place to avoid them.
Well you can't really have a game like Ninja Gaiden,DMC or Bayonetta without Jump...can you ?
You're right... the grunt battles weren't incredible, but i'd say that's moreso because of the lack of enemy variety than any lack of ability on Nariko's part.
Close,®ion=All , but I just remember all the talk after release about it not living up to expectations and all.Hm, I thought HS sold 2 Millions?!