Nothing yet.Has anything changed for the nVidia option regards CPU provision? nVidia GPU either means 1) nVidia GPU + Intel CPU, 2) nVidia GPU + AMD CPU, or 3) nVidia GPU + nVidia ARM CPU.
1) Expensive
2) Would likely get better deal with all AMD
3) Whole issue of ARM's viability as discussed at length
If MS get Windows running as quickly on ARM as on x64, it's a realistic option for MS. However, they want cross-device compatible with x64 PC more than anything, so as long as ARM performance is going to interfere with that, the next XBox has to be x64, which pretty much rules nVidia out.
Just thinking back to //Build2015 the big thing was this:
And I very much am waiting to see the hardware spec there because continuum is a big part of what this device is supposed to be capable of. I know that the product is still moving ahead, at least no reports of the project being stopped yet, but it appears to be delayed yet again, I was expecting it at //Build this year. Perhaps next year might be the time. I think whatever they can pull off here, would let me know if ARM would be an option. But to be honest, I don't even know anything about the specs of this device, the CPU was largely hidden in secrecy back when we were presented to.
The reason I'm looking at this closely is because the requirements are generally at odds with each other. Mobile needs low power, but continuum needs high processing power.
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