Next From Grasshopper: Fatal Frame

Screw the trends!

I'm just pissed off to hear that they're going exclusive on this!! :devilish:

After ports of both the previous versions what we're not getting any Xbox platform versions? :cry:
Cry me a river. The Xbox 360 already has a gluttonous feast of 3rd party exclusives/non-Wii titles available and still announced to it. It's not as though you don't have any software options on that system and Wii fans are getting all the good games. You remind me of the howls of anguish from PS2 fans who looked up long enough from their cornucopia of exclusives to weep bitter, angry tears that the Resident Evil series had been announced as the lone exclusive 3rd party series on Gamecube.

Would you buy a port of a Gamecube 1.5 game anyway?
Cry me a river. The Xbox 360 already has a gluttonous feast of 3rd party exclusives/non-Wii titles available and still announced to it. It's not as though you don't have any software options on that system and Wii fans are getting all the good games. You remind me of the howls of anguish from PS2 fans who looked up long enough from their cornucopia of exclusives to weep bitter, angry tears that the Resident Evil series had been announced as the lone exclusive 3rd party series on Gamecube.

Would you buy a port of a Gamecube 1.5 game anyway?

Screw you!

If i didn't care about the frnachise personally then I wouldn't have responded as I did..

Can you blame a guy for being angry that he has to go out and spend £249 on a new console just be be able to play a continuation of a franchise he added to his list of titles expected in the purchase of his most recent platform..?

It's like you going out to buy an Xbox360 in anticipation of Halo3 when somehow, suddenly the studio turns around and says "f*** you all those fans who have followed the franchise and supported our company through the last two iterations, we're now going to take Halo to a completely different platform instead.."

Obviously business is business but when you spent several years building up a dedicated customer following (who basically pay your wages) and then turn around and sh** in their mouths by shifting your IP onto a completely separate platform then it's not very nice is it?
I am going to assume this here is all in good fun and hyperbolic comedic rage and not a serious confrontation. If not I seriously suggest both of you calm down and take a chill pill.
OK, I'll tone it down.

Fatal Frame moved to PS2 exclusivity with FFIII.

Can you blame a guy for being angry that he has to go out and spend £249 on a new console just be be able to play a continuation of a franchise he added to his list of titles expected in the purchase of his most recent platform..?

Buying a console near launch is always a roll of the dice when it comes to third party software. The move of many publishers and developers from SNES to Playstation should have taught everyone that 3rd party support is in large part based on current-generation success. When you bought a 360 however long ago, you basically gambled that Wii wouldn't be successful enough to attract any major 3rd party franchises such as Fatal Frame. You lost your bet. And given that FFIII was a PS2 exclusive, I think gambling on the series continuing on the Xbox platform was a questionable choice. Don't be surprised if other major Japanese franchises don't get announced for 360.

It's like you going out to buy an Xbox360 in anticipation of Halo3

Halo 3 was a 100% bet, since Bungie is owned by Microsoft. It's actually a lot more like buying a Saturn in anticipation of Squaresoft RPGs or something from some other publisher that was mostly SNES-exclusive. Publishers who abandoned Nintendo's sinking ship for the Playstation didn't do their fans a disservice; they merely sent the message to their fans that they should all get Playstations.

suddenly the studio turns around and says "f*** you all those fans who have followed the franchise and supported our company through the last two iterations

Only if the vast majority of current and future Fatal Frame fans have already bought a 360 or PS3 with no plans to ever buy a Wii. However, I suspect that in Japan, most of FF's fans have in fact not bought a 360 or a PS3. In the USA, I suspect there is a significant number of FF fans who also have not bought either next-gen console.
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Well I forgot about FFIII but at least having all three of the intial versions available on the same platform plus other is better than screwing over the origina fanbase and shifting the title across to a separate console altogether..

Capcom did this by shifting RE (traditionally a PS exclusive IP) to GC, only to come crawling back after they realised the new platform was dead in the water & the PS2's install base was growing like a monster..

If they had stayed with the playstation platform to begin with then they wouldn't have lost millions and millions of potential sales but at least they saw the error of their ways..

The fact that FF is going to the Wii is not what i have a problem with.. It's the fact that everyone else is not getting what was previously a multi-platform title (which is what makes even less sense) which is so annoying..
damn... I would have liked to see a next gen vision of this series. :( I liked the spookiness and creepiness on Xbox. With the rather limited scope of things to display, they could have taken it pretty far in graphics.

Maybe I'll have to buy it and play it on my friend's Wii. :???:
Well I forgot about FFIII but at least having all three of the intial versions available on the same platform plus other is better than screwing over the origina fanbase and shifting the title across to a separate console altogether..

But no matter what console they move to, it's a separate console. Neither the Xbox 360 nor the PS3 are the PS2, the current exclusive home of the series. And if the original PS2 fanbase is buying Wii instead of PS3, then it would actually be "screwing over the original fanbase" by not moving the series to Wii.

Capcom did this by shifting RE (traditionally a PS exclusive IP) to GC, only to come crawling back after they realised the new platform was dead in the water & the PS2's install base was growing like a monster..

That just proves my point. Capcom ported RE4 to the PS2 not because of some emotional connection between the words "Resident Evil" and "Playstation," but because PS2 was way, way more popular than Cube. By the way, RE0, the only exclusive GC RE game, which was originally slated for N64, sucked. I doubt it would have sold "millions and millions" on the PS2. Maybe 2m instead of ~1.26m. By the way, the PS2 version of RE4 didn't sell "millions and millions," either. It only outsold the Cube version by ~300K units.

The fact that FF is going to the Wii is not what i have a problem with.. It's the fact that everyone else is not getting what was previously a multi-platform title

But it wasn't previously multiplatform. The last entry in the series was a PS2 exclusive, so it's currently a PS2 exclusive franchise. Further, the first game was a PS2 game with an Xbox port 5 months later, and the second game was a PS2 game with an Xbox port 11 months later. So even before FF3, the Xbox versions weren't really your traditional "multi-platform" releases; they're later ports of PS2 games, much like Metal Gear Solid 2 was, or how FF6 got ported to Playstation. Hey, with that in mind, maybe the Xbox 360 will get a Fatal Frame IV port a little less than year after release. "Exclusive" is a pretty flexible term these days.
By the way, the PS2 version of RE4 didn't sell "millions and millions," either. It only outsold the Cube version by ~300K units.

I don't know how widespread it was, but I know many people felt bitter about what Capcom did. The years without any Resident Evil games to play on their chosen platform drove them to other horror game series (Silent Hill, Project Zero, Forbidden Siren...), which had new and fresh approach to the genre. And it could be said the years drove them away from the Resident Evil series.

How many so called casual gamers, who had only PS2, would have bought GC just to play Resident Evil? I think Capcom caused harm to themselves and the Resident Evil series, and I think the sales would have been better if they hadn't deserted their fanbase in the first place. Aftell all, at the time of PS2 European launch Shinji Mikami was interviewed in several PS2 mags, and everybody thought Resident Evil would continue on PS2.
I don't know how widespread it was, but I know many people felt bitter about what Capcom did. The years without any Resident Evil games to play on their chosen platform drove them to other horror game series (Silent Hill, Project Zero, Forbidden Siren...),

Are you trying to make me feel sorry for PS2 fans or something? It's totally not working. You "had" to play Silent Hill and Forbidden Siren and a whole wealth of games while we Gamecube fans had...Resident Evil Zero. Whoopdee freakin' doo. Let me assure you, you didn't miss out on much.

The problem is that nearly every 3rd party franchise of note was previously Playstation exclusive. PS fans would have gotten their feelings hurt regardless of what may have gotten exclusive Cube development, just like they're getting upset that Fatal Frame, hardly an AAA franchise to begin with, is going Wii exclusive. You're coming off two generations in which Playstation had everything, but PS3 simply isn't selling well enough to get everything a third time around, just like N64 didn't sell well enough to get everything that SNES and NES had. Video games are business. Final Fantasy didn't stay with Nintendo, and Fatal Frame isn't staying with Sony. Getting one's feelings hurt as though there's some spiritual connection between a 3rd party franchise and a console manufacturer is just silly.

I think the sales would have been better if they hadn't deserted their fanbase in the first place.

Across all platforms, RE4 has sold over 4m units. MGS3 has sold around that many, God of War less, Devil May Cry 3 not even 2m, and even Final Fantasy XII "only" made it to 5m. I doubt Capcom would have done much better with a PS2 exclusive. It looks like people got over their hurt feelings and played the game anyway.
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