I'd generally assume that too. But in my case, I really don't use my PS4 (nor its controllers) any differently than I did on the PS3 (in fact, my general usage has gone down as a result of less time for gaming). There is definitely something wrong with the sticks in regards to quality (compared to earlier DualShocks). I think I already read about this issue by others around the launch of the PS4 (at the time I didn't have any issues myself), but as time went by, I started getting a bit of rubber "fuzz" / scraps on my left thumb. Since I play in the dark, I assumed that my controllers must have gotten some dirt or dust particles on them, sticking to the stick so I just ignored it. Then one evening, I actually bothered to look when it started to annoy me only to then find that the left stick rubber in particular had shown signs of wear. I've more or less ignored it so far, but now one of my two controllers (both showing extensive wear on the left stick), the rubber has broken that there is a hole now.
For the record, I don't play any beat'em ups (they aren't any out yet worth playing?) and my God of War 3 fix has only just started. No anger management issues either, well except for sometimes when playing Trials, but it's more my PS4 that's in danger of being put on fire.
I'd also add that I have really really soft skin too. No kidding. Hum. Yeah.