News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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Yep, Reality Synthesizer, a great name to succeed the Emotion Engine hahaha.

Ah, doesn't get better than those.

The Jaguars and "eighteen CUs" and so on is just not as interesting on that level :)
Yep, Reality Synthesizer, a great name to succeed the Emotion Engine hahaha.

Ah, doesn't get better than those.

The Jaguars and "eighteen CUs" and so on is just not as interesting on that level :)

Have the fun back then, was getting to find out the names. Lynx had a good one, but now I can't remember it (first 16-bit game machine as well I think? sorry OT)
To name the city after the processor, natch. Liverpool is going to renamed AMD R9 285X or somesuch.

He was joking (it made me chuckle).

I know but his comment reminded me that some people don't know about the Liverpool code name so I posted the image.
@yosp will there be photo apps, like Play Memories, on PS4 at launch?
not on day 1
It looks like ANYTHING that needs a USB drive is not available on day 1. The only confirmed day 1 feature that can use the USB ports is in safe mode. He even said that if you replace your HDD, you need to redownload the games, I think that completes the list of everything you'd need a USB HDD for.
Yep, Reality Synthesizer, a great name to succeed the Emotion Engine hahaha.

Ah, doesn't get better than those.

The Jaguars and "eighteen CUs" and so on is just not as interesting on that level :)

The PS2's GPU was called Graphics Synthesizer ;)
It looks like ANYTHING that needs a USB drive is not available on day 1. The only confirmed day 1 feature that can use the USB ports is in safe mode. He even said that if you replace your HDD, you need to redownload the games, I think that completes the list of everything you'd need a USB HDD for.
Interesting. Maybe they need to finish the security aspect of the FW, and so just disable access until that's done?

I wonder though if anyone will buy a PS4, plug their camera in to a USB expecting to be able to view their content? I expect many consumers will expect that functionality, but early adopters are probably better read, so it may be sorted by then.
It looks like ANYTHING that needs a USB drive is not available on day 1. The only confirmed day 1 feature that can use the USB ports is in safe mode. He even said that if you replace your HDD, you need to redownload the games, I think that completes the list of everything you'd need a USB HDD for.

Ok. So no user level external drive, no network drive, no DLNA, just expandable internal HDD at launch.

Read some rumor that Netfix will be there at launch.

Wondering what Sony folks are going to talk about from 11-14 Nov. Probably game specific until their own media stuff are ready.
Yeah the security aspect is interesting. Any user-provided data is a significant attack vector. It's probably an immense amount of work to audit that code. If a vulnerability is found in a popular codec post launch, it will be exploited by crackers who bought the launch console, they will cherish that 1.00 firmware.

But services aren't much of a security risk. They are not vulnerable to malformed media which exploit a decoder bug, nor to "chosen plain text" cryptanalysis.

For the media playback, I hope they make something well planned and a unified UI. On the PS3 the most annoying thing is when switching between youtube, netflix and a local file... it's 3 completely different interfaces. I understand it's an issue with the providers, but putting a little weight on them would be great.
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Naughty Dog is 2nd party developer (1st even maybe), would anyone seriously expect them to say anything but PS4 is fantastic? ;) (To be quite honest, PS4 is not amazing, it's a very middle-of-the-road piece of hardware, but it's of course the best console by far that we've had since forever...)
Naughty Dog is 2nd party developer (1st even maybe), would anyone seriously expect them to say anything but PS4 is fantastic? ;) (To be quite honest, PS4 is not amazing, it's a very middle-of-the-road piece of hardware, but it's of course the best console by far that we've had since forever...)
They pretty much made our jaws drop on every console they developed for. So I take it exactly as it is :cool:
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