News & Rumours: Playstation 4/ Orbis *spin*

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1) 5) Most importantly, you seem to be missing any joy in your life. Every post is a complaint or criticism. I really hope some day you'll find something in life you can appreciate and talk positively about. Maybe, if you're not finding it in gaming tech, you should try something completely different? Dance is a fabulously rewarding combination of music and athleticism and a great way to meet hobby. You may find discussion about the latest dancewear or shoe developments from Freed or Bloc to be more rewarding than this negative cycle of lamenting how everything Sony does is hopeless and rubbish. Or, if not dance, how about textile arts? the range of techniques and results is fascinating! If you are more cerebral, perhaps take up reading of cultural books to develop an awareness of human progress across time and geograhpy. Or maybe try getting into photography and creative imagery. There are lots of things out there to try and you're bound to find something that ignites you with enthusiasm and gets you smiling. Just don't give up and keep on looking!

Most inspiring thing I've read this week! :D
Slowed down gif:
Looks great, really minimal lag. And this is on Vita Slim, whose LCD presumably has little slower display refresh speed than OLED vita. But we also dont know in what display mode was HDTV in [gaming mode on/off].

I'm so glad that Remote Play is finally viable. :)

The gif is 4.x MB but anyway, on my mac I can advance it frame by frame, and I count two frames of lag. this means... 66ms of added lag? Unless the camera was shooting at 60 fps (which I doubt). Anyway, still impressive, but only if the TV has zero lag!

Disclaimer: I want to play fighters as well as KZ:SF multiplayer on remote play so that is why I need zero lag.
With a good TV you can get 1-2 frames of display lag above the input lag of the game itself but zero lag it's impossible.
WiiU pad has 33ms of lag anyway so PS Vita should have to stay around that figure or below.
Yes ... it looks very playable, but unless it's a really good game-mode TV, you'd really expect the Vita to be ahead of the TV rather than behind. :) That said, Sony is one of the few TV makers I think that actually do provide good Game mode performance, so this may still be pretty good. But I remember that the first footage we saw of the Wii U pad had the Wii U pad 66ms ahead of the TV rather than behind.

Still, I'm very happy with this functionality. Hopefully it also doesn't degrade too quickly at some distance of the PS4.

If this is the new Vita, by the way, the colors look at least identical to the TV, so that's promising (we've seen some bad comparison shots between the OLED and LCD versions online before)
Yes ... it looks very playable, but unless it's a really good game-mode TV, you'd really expect the Vita to be ahead of the TV rather than behind. :) That said, Sony is one of the few TV makers I think that actually do provide good Game mode performance, so this may still be pretty good. But I remember that the first footage we saw of the Wii U pad had the Wii U pad 66ms ahead of the TV rather than behind.

Still, I'm very happy with this functionality. Hopefully it also doesn't degrade too quickly at some distance of the PS4.

If this is the new Vita, by the way, the colors look at least identical to the TV, so that's promising (we've seen some bad comparison shots between the OLED and LCD versions online before)

Same here, I would love to play my PS4 in another room, or if the woman wants to view a tv show, allow it ( :cool: )

Btw it should look identical to the TV because that is a lcd model :)
Remote play is a family friendly feature. If you're married with kids and only have one awesome TV that your PS4 is hooked up to and they want to watch American Idol, remote play can let you game on PS4 while they watch TV. It's pretty cool.

I would suggest getting a second TV. They're dirt cheap nowdays. Or most people probably already have multiple TV's. I have a 42" in the living, but my 27" 720P first HDTV from 2005 that I bought to go with my launch 360 is still going strong as a bedroom TV. And there's also my 27" PC Monitor.

Dont get me wrong it's kind of cool tech-wise, but imo real practical utility is low.
I would suggest getting a second TV. They're dirt cheap nowdays. Or most people probably already have multiple TV's. I have a 42" in the living, but my 27" 720P first HDTV from 2005 that I bought to go with my launch 360 is still going strong as a bedroom TV. And there's also my 27" PC Monitor.

Dont get me wrong it's kind of cool tech-wise, but imo real practical utility is low.

Don't forget the second PS4 - and make sure you are saving games using PS+'s automatic upload or you won't be able to switch from your main console to your secondary. Of course, we have to hope the game has frequent save points and the synching between consoles is easy and fast.

I could list a host of other problems with the second TV theory that make it a no go for a lot of us, but I think stopping here is fine to make the point. There is a lot of utility for a lot of people in being able to just continue on a second screen.

I know that this feature alone has convinced my wife and I to buy a PS Vita if it works as advertised - something I had no intention of doing before I found out about it. The ability for my wife or kids to come upstairs and say "Hey, can I have the television?" and me be able to go "Sure" while I continue playing my game is pretty huge.

Not every feature is for everyone - but I would say this has a pretty solid use case.
I still do not fully understand how remote play works.

For exemple (1) in order to use Vita remote play, the PS4 has to run the actual game?
And so, I have to turn on PS4 start the game and then remote play with Vita ?
In few words it is something usable only at home?

Or, exemple (2), I am at office (or on the beach), I have 10 min free before the next meeting, and I use Vita to play some bits of KZ:SF ?

Because in the first case, I really do not see why everyone seems so hyped about it.
You have bought a new next-gen system, spend more than 399 euro (at least you will buy one game), maybe you are one of the kind ready to condam every game that is under 1080, you are a graphic and sound whore with a 50 Panasonic Plasma screen and a mega TXH sorround... and then you play the next gen Kill Zone SF on the screen of the Vita ... ?!?!?

Where I have miss something ?

1. TV occupied by other family members

2. Privacy, in case your roommate is easily distracted, or you're playing pr0n

3. Comfort. In-bed gaming is relaxing... or rather therapeutic. :p

Edit: if the game is good, Vita's screen and audio are good enough to make the player forget about screen size. In fact, many people have not-so-great TV compared to Vita's screen.
The gif is 4.x MB but anyway, on my mac I can advance it frame by frame, and I count two frames of lag. this means... 66ms of added lag? Unless the camera was shooting at 60 fps (which I doubt). Anyway, still impressive, but only if the TV has zero lag!

Disclaimer: I want to play fighters as well as KZ:SF multiplayer on remote play so that is why I need zero lag.

#1 Here is better gif of Youtube footage

8 frames, 1 frame per second. Vita is indeed trailing by 2 frames, but that is still good result IMO. We need to get detailed testing with 60fps cameras, including OLED Vita..

#2 Sony is promoting this using their best gaming HDTV with "0.1" frames of display lag

"低遅延 0.1フレーム" = "low lag 0.1 frame"
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I can tell you that TV (KDL42W65) should have 16ms of display lag.
For the record that's one of the best TV in therms of display lag if not the best TV the best input lag.

Oh boy, Sony really have great low latency models. This 47" model has 6ms [if the review is legit]! :runaway:

Unfortunately (huge euphemism) disply lag for that TV too is around 16ms, winch is still fantastic anyway.
It's better than WiiU pad and better even that Sony 3D gaming monitor.
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I would expect that you'll have 3 to 4 frames of lag, at best, if that video is accurate. I don't particularly buy the claim of 0.1 frame of display lag. It will most likely be 1 frame, if it is very good. A lot of tvs have terrible input lag, so for those people the remote play may actually be the same or better.
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