That's pretty interesting stuff. They should be focusing on solutions for those problems.IPv6 is because we are running out or are out of IPv4. Europe is out, as a LIR you can get 1024 v4 addresses from RIPE still, I think, but new ISPs for instance will not get enough v4 addresses, to run a successful business.
So to cope with that they need all of the world to run v6 or they have to do some nasty tricks to share the few addresses they have like LSNAT/CGNAT. Now if they do that, then forget about portforwarding and P2P gaming in any meaningful way. PS360 NAT issues will be childsplay compared to what will happen then.
Its basically a big ass router/gateway that does NAT for all the ISP customers, which means there will be multiple customers sharing 1 address on the central router. So maybe each of the customers get a range of maybe 100 ports (its science/art to find the sweetspot, based on your customer base and traffic flows).
So if Xlive/PSN needs a specific port forwarded to the console, then that sucks. Because if you got 1000 customers sharing 1 ip address and PSN/Xlive needs port 1337 to be forwarded to the console, then only 1 out of a 1000 will be able to have that port forwarded......
As for v6 being better, well they have tweaked the IP header so the routers should have to lockup/parse less stuff and routing tables are more sane/less fragmentet, but I this is changing with higher level adoption of the protocol. So its not sure that will be an advantage that will keep for ever.
The big gain in addition to more addresses, is no NAT, another drawback, there is no such thing as UPnP finalized yet for v6. So if you got a Firewall between your console and the internet, you will have to manually open the correct ports for your console.
PS Sony/MS if you need somebody to help out with why and how and when for doing IPv6, gimme a call![]()
The NAT problem will be solved in the next generation though. Or so they say. Using dedicated servers and the cloud the NAT isn't necessary at all.