New Years Resolutions?

By that I hope you mean you're going to take my hand in marriage. :LOL:
I was thinking more along the lines of creating a forum section called "LOL", giving you posting rights to nowhere but there, and making it invisible to everyone else but you and Reverend. And maybe Vysez. Vysez is good at maths. You'd like it there :cool:
Funny thing is that I'd always thought that geeks were into maths.
When I first started posting on Beyond3D everyone looked like a maths freak to me.
It's funny how it doesn't look that way now.

A maths forum would be *really* lovely. :D
Funny thing is that I'd always thought that geeks were into maths.
When I first started posting on Beyond3D everyone looked like a maths freak to me.
It's funny how it doesn't look that way now.

So you learned something from this weeks episode? That's neat.

A maths forum would be *really* lovely. :D

Anyway, back in On Topicland my resolution this year is the same as it was last year, ie. to stop making New Years Resolutions. Oh that and to find a new job! :D
I quit smoking 25 hours ago. From ~50 cigarettes per day to 0.

I feel like shit.
Smoking 50 cigarettes a day when did you find time to do anything?

That's one every half hour round the clock.
Or one every 19 waking minutes (assuming you're awake ~16 hours a day)
I used to do a 2-1/2 pack a day habit too and it isn't that hard Russ. Hell, if you chain smoke you can do 3-4 cigarettes in a half hour.

It isn't like you can't do other things while smoking either, at least back then it wasn't. I worked in an office where smoking was the norm and it would just get bloody foggy in there some days. :???:
I worked in an office where smoking was the norm

Reading that made me laugh at first, then I felt really old because I could relate to that situation. Ah, what a testament to the times.

My resolution is to be less confrontational on and offline. I'm sure you all would love that and my infractions would remain motionless at 1 ;)

Good luck to everyone on fulfilling your resolutions.
Smoking 50 cigarettes a day when did you find time to do anything?

That's one every half hour round the clock.
Or one every 19 waking minutes (assuming you're awake ~16 hours a day)

I'm currently working on my thesis for university... I smoked at my desk.
Reading that made me laugh at first, then I felt really old because I could relate to that situation. Ah, what a testament to the times.
Ain't it? :LOL: After I wrote I smoked in an office I felt I had to explain that used to be the norm as it's such a no-no now.

Man, we had our ashtrays so over-filled they'd be spilling out on the paperwork. :)
Ain't it? :LOL: After I wrote I smoked in an office I felt I had to explain that used to be the norm as it's such a no-no now.

Man, we had our ashtrays so over-filled they'd be spilling out on the paperwork. :)

Remember that the rest of the world is a couple of yours behind wrt smoking restrictions. For example, there is no ban of smoking in public buildings yet in Germany... at my university, there are ashtrays in the hallways, stairways and restrooms...
I was a 40-Marlboro-a-day man during the 90s but a lung operation soon cured me of that habit - I mean that seriously too. The craving stopped virtually instantaneously.
I'm seriously looking forward to 1st July this year when smoking in enclosed public spaces will be banned here in the UK (or in England, at least). It will be very nice to wake up after a night out without smelling like the inside of an ashtray! :smile:

Good luck to those giving up smoking - a friend of mine quit for about 10 months last year with the assistance of nicotine lozenges. Only problem was that the idiot never even tried to quit the lozenges and eventually started smoking again towards the end of the year! No willpower that lad.

Going cold turkey is probably the best way.
I'm not a fan of new year resolutions but my quasi-one is to lose weight. I've slipped back up over 200 with my birthday, vacation, thanksgiving, and the other holidays, and with a 3.5yo child and a 4-month pregnant wife my age of 42 makes me more aware of the need to maintain my health and overall physical fitness.

My second resolution is to continue looking for a new job so I can escape the black hole created by The Malignant Prick.
Anyone doing any resolutions for this new year?

I only have one this year. To go from 230 lbs to 180. I started about a week ago, and have already lost 8 lbs. :)

If anyone else is going for weight loss, they might be interested in this offer:

Just broke the 200lbs mark. :p Only took a year and a half. Should go faster now that I added exercise to my weight loss program.
how much is 200 lbs? 100kg or less ? Whats supposed to be good proportion between hight and weigth these days?
about 90.7 kgs or 14.2 stones. :)

according to wiki's bmi:

Im currently overweight for being 6 feet tall. I need to drop to 184lbs to get to the normal range.