Hopefully the gameplay balance was designed for 30fps.
Games like GRAW and appearantly Gears of War (i.e. more tactical FPS) work fine with a solid 30fps, but a game like UT2007, TimeSplitters, etc really need the blazing framerate for the gameplay to be enjoyable. SP looks like they had already had 30fps in mind so hopefully it is a good transition that does not negatively impact gameplay. Not that most people would notice, although there were a lot of posts in May about all these 60fps launch games and maybe even being 1080p60 at launch and how important that was back then... But nah, I am too nice to bring that up
Anyhow, looking forward to seeing how they have designed their MP gameplay and some of their modes. I hope a) they support extra input controls and b) they have a unique combat system with some neat modes that have a lot of teamwork and replay value that extends for years. There are a lot of repetitive shooters out there and only the cream of the crop dominate the few old school gameplay modes, so it is nice to see new games try new things that challenge our perception of online gaming and give us a new experience that is a ton of fun. Hopefully Resistance can provide that. With UT2007 coming to the PS3 it looks like PS3 owners may have a couple high quality FPS right out of the gate which is a BIG positive change from the PS2. Good stuff and I am sure getting NV onboard really helps with this.
Games like GRAW and appearantly Gears of War (i.e. more tactical FPS) work fine with a solid 30fps, but a game like UT2007, TimeSplitters, etc really need the blazing framerate for the gameplay to be enjoyable. SP looks like they had already had 30fps in mind so hopefully it is a good transition that does not negatively impact gameplay. Not that most people would notice, although there were a lot of posts in May about all these 60fps launch games and maybe even being 1080p60 at launch and how important that was back then... But nah, I am too nice to bring that up
Anyhow, looking forward to seeing how they have designed their MP gameplay and some of their modes. I hope a) they support extra input controls and b) they have a unique combat system with some neat modes that have a lot of teamwork and replay value that extends for years. There are a lot of repetitive shooters out there and only the cream of the crop dominate the few old school gameplay modes, so it is nice to see new games try new things that challenge our perception of online gaming and give us a new experience that is a ton of fun. Hopefully Resistance can provide that. With UT2007 coming to the PS3 it looks like PS3 owners may have a couple high quality FPS right out of the gate which is a BIG positive change from the PS2. Good stuff and I am sure getting NV onboard really helps with this.