New Madden 360 Shots


Artist formerly known as Acert93


1280x1024 versions:

To compare, pics from EA's "Next Gen Madden" campaign that ended up being an artists interpretation:

Eagles Team


You can compare the Draft Day render movie to some ingame footage at gametrailers here:

Mainly some shots of Alexander, contains foot[age that the Big Screen shot was taken from.
looks good, but the colors seem a bit washed out to me.
the arms and and the grass textures also look...weak. everything else looks good though.
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Tim said:
Must be the PC-version.

nope the pc version is just like the ps2, gamecube, and xbox version thats out now

the pics look like it came from that video that was out around e3 though
Not very good imho . But of course i think its just ea not making a new engine for the game . They are most likely working on the next game with a new engine for ps3 and x360 while this is just an enhanced pc port
jvd said:
Not very good imho . But of course i think its just ea not making a new engine for the game . They are most likely working on the next game with a new engine for ps3 and x360 while this is just an enhanced pc port

I guess they thought it'd be a waste effort [and cost] to develop a highly tune up version months after Madden 06's initial release (and even more for the PS3 version). Either that, or they no longer put their best effort and spend more money on production after the NFL license buyout. So I guess we have to wait for 07 to see if EA could deliver their promise. And lets hope Favre is retire by then. :LOL:

- Z
From a busniess stand point i don't see it making much sense . The engine would be rushed and most likely wouldn't be as feature rich as the current engines .

2007 season would give them almost a year of extra dev time on the xbox 360 version
I wouldnt expect much from madden 06 for the 360 other than a higher res version of current gen.

EA won't start really pounding the silicon (if ever) until the ps3 is released also. SO dont expect true next-gen madden until madden 2007 with the apex being madden 2008-2009. (similar to madden 2003 being the end of graphic updates.)
EA has stated (see E3 reports) that they ARE indeed building this Madden from the ground up.

No carry over from the previous engine.

I'll let you all know in November how they did. ;) :D
I think you guys really need to take a copy of Madden and fire it up right now

The GFX are a jaggy mess, if the top pic is in game that's AWESOME compared to what we're playing right now.
PeterT said:
The top pic screams "I need anisotropic texture filtering".


If you compare the "artists impression" and compare the pictures, some very clear differences appear:

-Lighting (very high quality with degrees of intensity
-Shadowing (excellent self shadowing)
-Geometry (either detailed meshes OR really high quality normal maps)
-Texture resolution
-Texture quality (mip mapped, filtered to the wazzo)
-Field grass (the CGI looks realistic... the new pics the turf looks really flat when in fact that fake grass turf, well, like fake grass!)

I am starting to get a feel for this gens "PR shots". Similar to how super high AA is used on this gen shots, it seems some of the above, especially the geometry, lighting/shadowing, and texture quality, are all bumped up in the target renders. Even though the final game may look very similar and use the same assets, the actual quality is significantly lower. Every render target seems to exhibit this behavior.

I would be REALLY interested in Laa-Yosh posting in this thread. I am not a graphics engine designer or CGI producer. I can "see" the differences without always "knowing" what I am seeing.

My specific questions would be

1. CGI always tends to have this REALLY clean look to the textures/rendering. Some of this is lighting, self shadowing, and the level of detail of those proceedures. But when you see the CGI and then the ingame there is this "feel". Its like the "quality" of the render.

What is that? What features are making this different? What is an offline renderer doing that a realtime renderer is not?

2. Could you list the major differences between the two media from a rendering stand point that you see. In MANY ways the new media is MUCH closer to CGI, but as we have gotten closer to CGI quality that last 10% is REALLY becoming appearant.

So what tricks and techniques are we seeing in CGI that we currently are not seeing in some of these shots?

3. Of those techniques which can we realistically expect to see at a quality that is, for all practical purposes, indistinguishable from CGI. (e.g. 16x AA is basically as good--from an end user perspective--as an 128x AA sample. This is not true between 2x and 8x, which there is a noticable difference).

Anyone who has worked with CGI and/or realtime engines your feedback and thoughts would be very interesting :D

Ps- That said some of the new games seen in realtime, like Gears of War and PGR3, while showing obvious "hacks" and such seem to be on the other side of the spectrum and DO have a CGI like feel... they feel "solid" ... I just cannot put my finger on it!
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I would say lighting is the main difference. Like good photograph/cinematography, artists use multiple lights to show depth and set moods. These also cast shadows and correct shadows are essential to convey verisimilitude. Obviously wrong in that top pic is the lighting, seemingly baked on, on the footballer's left arm. Close to his body that should be in shadow. That alone instantly robs the image of realism.
It doesn't look too great, but from the more common viewing distance of actual gameplay, it'll look better. AA and AF should be big helps to football games where there are almost always surfaces that could be benefit from the techniques.