New ITAGAKI interview touches on 360 and PS3 comparison

Titanio said:
"XBN: Is PS2 harder to develop for than Xbox?

Itagaki: No, not really. PS2 development was easy for us. Do you know something? We converted DOA2 to PS2 in just three months. If your programmers are good enough, PS2 development shouldn’t be anything to complain about."

He has made a point in the past of boasting about his ability to harness machines that others think are difficult and complicated, and has implied less than kind things about other developers who are having difficulty - so when he makes comments like this about PS3, his past attitude should come back to haunt him.

GI: You’ve said before you want to develop for the most powerful console out there. You must be pretty confident in the Xbox 360.

Itagaki: Yes. I hope so. I think Xbox 360 is the best game console on the earth. It’s better than PlayStation 3.

GI: Can I ask you why?

Itagaki: PS3 has too complicated of architecture.

Right? Right.

I hate jumping the fence, but we can also interpret as Itagaki thinks PS3 is needlessly complicated(costly) for a system in the same ballpack as X3.. he didn't exactly say he couldn't handle the silver

Back up to the fence now.
fireshot said:
I hate jumping the fence, but we can also interpret as Itagaki thinks PS3 is needlessly complicated(costly) for a system in the same ballpack as X3.. he didn't exactly say he couldn't handle the silver

ps2 was "needlessly" complicated compared to the xbox and that didn't seem to bother him. heck, the ps2 was ridiculously complicated compared to the dc and still i don't remember tecmo sticking to the dc either*.

i think it's about time people on this board stop implying technical merits to PR and marketing babble, even when that comes from devs. yes, i know not feeding the little f*boys in everyone of us takes some effort but nevertheless we can at lest try to pick more serious material to feed them on : )

* and in general, commercial game devs don't pick their platform of choice based on personal preference of architecture, power, ease of programming or color of the box. the criteria are completely different, and if they happen to match their personal preferences then that's very nice. but that's about all there's to it.
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darkblu said:
ps2 was "needlessly" complicated compared to the xbox and that didn't seem to bother him. heck, the ps2 was ridiculously complicated compared to the dc and still i don't remember tecmo sticking to the dc either*.

i think it's about time people on this board stop implying technical merits to PR and marketing babble, even when that comes from devs. yes, i know not feeding the little f*boys in everyone of us takes some effort but nevertheless we can at lest try to pick more serious material to feed them on : )

* and in general, commercial game devs don't pick their platform of choice based on personal preference of architecture, power, ease of programming or color of the box. the criteria are completely different, and if they happen to match their personal preferences then that's very nice. but that's about all there's to it.

Please don't quote me.

I only know too well about f**boys feeding off what Itagaki said. see my first reply to the topic. :)
Itagaki-san is full of shit. It's all PR-speak. It may or may not be true that PS3 is too much hassle to bother with, but it won't be because Itagaki-san said so. :)
Dag:rolleyes: Ya'll will damn anyone who chooses the power, ease, or architecture of X360 over PS3... Sometimes this place sux. If you've never cared for Itagaki's games anyway why post?
Titanio said:
He's talked a lot in the past about power, the importance of power over all else, and about how complex architectures are "easy" for him and how that doesn't matter. Here's one example I was able to find that neatly contrasts with his comments above:

"XBN: Is PS2 harder to develop for than Xbox?

Itagaki: No, not really. PS2 development was easy for us. Do you know something? We converted DOA2 to PS2 in just three months. If your programmers are good enough, PS2 development shouldn’t be anything to complain about."

He has made a point in the past of boasting about his ability to harness machines that others think are difficult and complicated, and has implied less than kind things about other developers who are having difficulty - so when he makes comments like this about PS3, his past attitude should come back to haunt him.

In fact they leave the PS2 after DOA2 hardcore cuz by their word they max out the PS2.

When there are games on PS2 that put DOA2 hardcore to shame,he hate to much Sony but they like powerful hardware and on their history you can see,that they have always suport the better hardware,they ported DOA1 to PS cuz it was the better hardware,they port DOA2 cuz the PS2 was the best hardware,and they din't port DOA 3 cuz the xbox was the best hardware.

I know that if the PS3 realy end on top Team Ninja will fly to the PS3 as well.
Thegameman said:
In fact they leave the PS2 after DOA2 hardcore cuz by their word they max out the PS2.

When there are games on PS2 that put DOA2 hardcore to shame,he hate to much Sony but they like powerful hardware and on their history you can see,that they have always suport the better hardware,they ported DOA1 to PS cuz it was the better hardware,they port DOA2 cuz the PS2 was the best hardware,and they din't port DOA 3 cuz the xbox was the best hardware.

I know that if the PS3 realy end on top Team Ninja will fly to the PS3 as well.

I don't know..they have a very strong business relationship with MS now, something I don't think they had on quite the same level with Sony's competitors in the past. And MS possibly represents a more viable alternative for them than others in the past. So I'm not sure if they'll feel the need to port to Sony systems now. Their animosity with Sony stretches back before Xbox ever existed, IIRC, and MS represents a viable ticket away from Sony for them, I think.
ps2xboxcube said:
Now I am sure some sony fans will jump on TeamNinja and say thier development team is stupid and they should hire smarter programmers becasue cell is to complicated for them.

Johnny Awesome said:
Itagaki-san is full of shit.
Titanio said:
I remember a time when Itagaki wore his team's ability to harness "complicated" hardware like a badge of honour :p I guess he's just not as hardcore anymore ;)

Actually not the most complicated but the most powerfull (example xbox).. So basically what I think he is saying right now is they are about the same in power but the 360 is easier to program for.... But that has been known all along...
shred5 said:
Actually not the most complicated but the most powerfull (example xbox).. So basically what I think he is saying right now is they are about the same in power but the 360 is easier to program for.... But that has been known all along...

The reason he gives for preferring X360 is that PS3 is that it's "too complicated". He's previously questioned the capability of other devs who complained about other, difficult, systems and boasted that his team found them "easy". Taking power comparisons out of this totally, it's simply funny to hear Itagaki speak like this now.

But again, this really has nothing to do with technology.
shred5 said:
Actually not the most complicated but the most powerfull (example xbox).. So basically what I think he is saying right now is they are about the same in power but the 360 is easier to program for.... But that has been known all along...

No he sounded like he's been sold out.With all the development tools that the PS3 has today there's no way it's impossible and as complex as the EE+GS.Moreover the Xbox 360 is also quite new as well.It's just too early to take sides.

I don't respect a person who uses sex elements to sell his games.
Titanio said:
The reason he gives for preferring X360 is that PS3 is that it's "too complicated". He's previously questioned the capability of other devs who complained about other, difficult, systems and boasted that his team found them "easy". Taking power comparisons out of this totally, it's simply funny to hear Itagaki speak like this now.

But again, this really has nothing to do with technology.

Yes I do remember him saying that and he was talking about the developers that were complaining about the difficulty to program for the next gen game consoles.

But I was only pointing out he always went for the most power no matter what.. Dreamcast, xbox.

Just so you know I have no bias towards any system.. I do think interms of power both systems will be pretty close this time around.. But I think the specs have been debated enough so I wont comment there.....
shred5 said:
So basically what I think he is saying right now is they are about the same in power but the 360 is easier to program for....
Actually he isn't saying that at all. He's just being a good dog and pleasing his master in a PR interview. Team ninja/tecmo has long had its head up microsoft's butt, of course he's going to say stuff like this.

But that has been known all along...
It's long been speculated. Not the same thing.
I still dont understand all the "damage control" going on here. Two-three devs say 360 is more powerful, four-five say PS3 is more powerful. Doesnt mean you need to attack those two-three devs.
_phil_ said:
And how many of them are actual programmers with their hands into the hardware producing code?
I dont know but I know one thing; I wont bash anyone just because he doesnt agree with me.
Guden Oden said:
Actually he isn't saying that at all. He's just being a good dog and pleasing his master in a PR interview. Team ninja/tecmo has long had its head up microsoft's butt, of course he's going to say stuff like this.

It's long been speculated. Not the same thing.

Well than what do you think of Kojima comment at the end of the mgs TGS video?.
MS ******s are saing the same thing about him being a paid minion of Sony..?

Personally I think Itagaki is to cocky and out spoken to have anyone tell him what to do or say....
Titanio said:
If you're keeping score, who are they?
I am not, I'm sure you are. ;)

The point I was making was that I've read more devs making comments that the PS3 has an advantage in processing power, if one dev says that isnt true doesnt necessarily warrant an attack on them.