New Images of MGS:TS

These images come the official website, there will be a new video released on the 26 during TGS. The game is looking better everytime images are released.








Sorry about that terrible red X.
These pics are de-jagged like always... :( I don't condone that, even when it's done to a cube game.

Sure these pics look BETTER than previous ones, but they're not up to snuff with Metroid Prime methinks, that bigass bazooka weapon thingy Snake's holding needs a lot more polygon detail instead of textures for example (and the textures aren't even that good). Sleeves and such also look rather stiff, like they're inflated life preserver jackets or something rather than clothes. :LOL:

Well, they're hopefully not releasing the game tomorrow... Still time to improve things I hope... The lil cube CAN do better than this!

Looking good, about the same as MGS2. We'll see how well they'll pull off those nice MGS2-like effects, particles, reflections, etc...

Btw, Liquid's hair looks really funny :LOL:
Grall, there are'nt many games that can match up to the beauty of Metroid Prime..that's a tall order. But yeah i see what you mean. MGSTS still has some time in the oven though.
He really is having a bad hair day I guess taking on Solid will do that to you.
Hehe, yeah, I hope he doesn't have a hear like that throughout the game and that it's like that just because of all the crap he went through at the end of the game :)
The AA is definitely artificially added like it's always being done nowadays. We've never got to see SOL screens done using that technique, though.

Polygons and texture-wise it's definitely not doing anything above SOL from what I can see. Snakes's model looks even a bit polygon starved compared to SOL if you ask me. You can easily see polygon edges on his arms, sometimes even clipping in some of the screens.
Nope, I don't think so. Look at his arms - not very round.


Looks a bit more rounded here, and that's a lower poly, gameplay model, whereas the one from TS appears to be from the cut scene.

they are around the same in character models. can't speak for the enviroment tho since we don't have any shots with wider range.
Not quite at the same distance marc, lod can hide a lot of details ;)




MGS2's model is in no way more "rounder" than the MGS remake, unless my eyes are playing tricks on me at 3am.
Well, LOD is supposed to bring more detail the closer the object is to the camera, no? ;)

In any case, yeah, I think the models are probably about equal. Keep in mind that SOL had varius LOD models that it used during cut scenes, while in-game it used lowest LOD models, and that old SOL builds used lowest LOD model at all times, even during the cut scenes.
They look very good to me...However the hair of the models doesn't seem so good as the hair on SOL models... It was specially impressive on SOL...but now, I see Liquid's or Sniper wolf hair and it doesn't convince me...