New Heavenly Sword Info (screens included)

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I don't believe it was ever 60fps. Previous demos were in a closed arena. There is a big difference. Anywho I wouldn't worry about the framerate...remember you're going to be fighting against a thoasand plus enemies...with them all on framerate will have to be spot on.

When I spoke about 60 fps I was discussing about the first Metal Gear Solid trailer (tgs 2005).
I'm sure that framerate in Heavenly Sword will be fixed. The answer I'm looking for is about the first playable demos showed at e3 2006 and tgs 2006, and the possibility that they did run on devkits more powerful that actual ps3 hardware. I have this doubt because I don't see an enourmos difference in detail between the new trailers and the older ones, while the framerate is much lower now.
When I spoke about 60 fps I was discussing about the first Metal Gear Solid trailer (tgs 2005).
I'm sure that framerate in Heavenly Sword will be fixed. The answer I'm looking for is about the first playable demos showed at e3 2006 and tgs 2006, and the possibility that they did run on devkits more powerful that actual ps3 hardware. I have this doubt because I don't see an enourmos difference in detail between the new trailers and the older ones, while the framerate is much lower now.

talking about heavenly sword i have the same feeling......and me too i'd like to read a proper answer

I'm sure that framerate in Heavenly Sword will be fixed. The answer I'm looking for is about the first playable demos showed at e3 2006 and tgs 2006, and the possibility that they did run on devkits more powerful that actual ps3 hardware. I have this doubt because I don't see an enourmos difference in detail between the new trailers and the older ones, while the framerate is much lower now.
The older one was a closed arena while the new one is at an arena in an open area. 2 different things I think.
from what they claimed the last e3 demo was running at 720p 30fps..but what i see from the latest movies is running at a lower or unstable framerate, my only hope is they are going to fix it because a very great game cant perform that issue. They promised solid rock framerate, they showed us solid rock framerate...well hope they dont forget it.
from what they claimed the last e3 demo was running at 720p 30fps..but what i see from the latest movies is running at a lower or unstable framerate, my only hope is they are going to fix it because a very great game cant perform that issue. They promised solid rock framerate, they showed us solid rock framerate...well hope they dont forget it.

And there where not many enemies onscreen yet it ran with sub 30fps. Hope they get it up to 30fps even when you are fighting the 2000+ characters onscreen (if they still will include that).
These are from

Game's artworks :

The logo :

Characters :

Environments :

Cartoon artworks (probably animated intro from the game) :

"Cartoon" pics are awesome! Damn I cant wait to see this in motion!
The producer is playing Shadowrun on his time off, lol.

In play, your main weapon is the Heavenly Sword itself. It comes in three stances which you can switch between on the fly to create your own combos and fighting style.

Speed Stance has the sword split into two blades. It’s fast, technical and has a lot of depth to it. It's good in one-on-one fights against skillful opponents but deeper combos hold the key to unlocking defenses and delivering massive damage.

Power Stance has the sword blades join to form one huge powerful sword. It's slow and powerful and great against tougher enemies or to break enemy defences.

Range Stance has the sword's blades extend from its handles with chains. It's the weakest of the three stances but it covers a large and wide area. It's great for taking out lots of enemies or knocking them into the air for follow-on aerial combos. It can also be used to sweep debris at enemies.
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Do we know a release date for this yet? The only thing I found was a hugely suspect list from SCEE Spain that had it for September 12, but it's probably bogus. I really can't wait to play this. And where the hell is the demo? :devilish:
Wow indeed. That's about as much new media we've had on the game to arrive all at once as we've ever had! New trailer, new gameplay footage, all in one video..pity about the youtube quality.

A number of beautiful new environments in there though. And the brief return of an army scene...which looks incredible. And the bazooka is really nice, with some really nice smoke trailing from the back of it ;)

edit - couldn't help but grab some captures of the army bit..I could be wrong, but it looks much busier than any army scene they've shown to date, including in that original E3 05 trailer!



Lots of flags, lots of soldiers :p
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