Ghost of D3D said:Heck, to ensure your impact, make movies of demos that will only run using next-gen-to-be-released ATI hardware!
Ghost of D3D said:I'd be interested to know your reaction/response to such offers.
Mendel said:I was referring to this kind of bump mapping
Matt B said:Hey Humus, a bit OT but if you are interested I can whip you up a nicer head with a blendshape based head generator system I've made for Maya . I could possibly get some textures together as well.
Let me know if you're interested.
nelg said:Humus, has anyone at the demo team commented on this like Chris, Natasha or Thorsten ?
Thank you for kindly correct me and giving me a right information. I just did install ATi cat 6.3 driver (no CCC) on my NC6000 with mobility 9600 and the demo work great :smile:, it looks very cool on texture and surrounding. I may try your other demo again since the last time I tried it my laptop was on older driver. Great work and I'm waiting for your next cool demo.Humus said:You're confusing Vertex Texture Fetch and Fetch4. The latter is totally unrelated. VTF could be used to implement the same stuff though, but requires additional hardware, whereas R2VB only needs a driver update (assuming the card can use a linear memory layout for render targets).
Humus said:But I can see that happening if the framerate would get very jerky