New GR3:AW (x360) Screens




I wish I could see these in motion. These are nice anyway.
Looks okay. Nothing there that really WOWs me. Muddy textures are what's throwing me off, hopefully just bad screens.
The first pic seems odd.. the fountain seems pasted on..

But this game looks great in motion, truly sweet..
I hope they work on the shadows. They're all pitch black in broad daylight! Hope it's just an artwork thing.

Anyway is it me or has graw still not caught up with how good it first looked in general?

Oh well, it's still so bought as far as I'm concerned anyway.
The right hand side of the foiuntains base looks very odd indeed... the damn HUD gives me a boxed in feeling as well.

The screen Brimstone posted is much better although it's breaking two forum rules atleast. ;)
Those screens are nice, not jaw dropping but still nice. Imho, the next gameplay footage will really make the difference, like mgs4 which is nice in screenshot but nothing compared to the trailer they gave us. The animation in GRAW plays a lot.

I also like the fact that you can play in many weather condition, and the game looks really different when you're playing in daylight, dawn, sunset or night...
Personally I would love for MS to embargo any media that doesn't make you go wow... We still have no idea how PS3 games really look... but we are bombarded with in progress of shots of games for the 360... bah! :devilish:
The fountain and the arches could use a lot more polys. And that's not me being contrarian, it's really the first thing I noticed. I mean they're right there in front, it can't even be LOD.
These look like fake screenshots, 2 of them look like they have had various asset cut up in photoshop and pasted on the screen. There is a mismatch of lighting and textures. It also looks like someone didnt fully mask around the soldiers helmet leaving some weird artifacts.

Hardknock said:
Okay, now these look much better! Good find Brimestone :)

This just goes to show how much detail can be lost when an image is resized:

I feel these are very nice shots and have improvements next to COD2. I hope this is 60fps.
The textures are amazing but it needs more polygons IMHO

anyways, i'd take smooth framerates than higher poly graphics anyday.
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