new FF7 Crisis Core trailer

It's looking good ... and no, no idea how much they manage to fit into 1.8Gb. I know that MGS:OPs has gone for anime-tion rather than in-game cinematics. From the looks of it, FF is going for AVC compressed cinema, but I have no idea how big the game is going to be.

Of course, they managed FF3 on the DS (what, 64mb? 128?), so I'm sure they should be able to figure something out ...
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Not so long ago famitsu pusblished an interview with Tetsuya Nomura, i don have the link at hand right now, but in that interview he said that he didnt know how they were going to insert all that data in 1.8 gb of space, so the game could be the first portable title to come in multiple umd discs.
Looks awesome. What kind of game is this anyway? Any RPG elements to the fighting?




Holy crap... How? :oops: HOW??




Holy crap... How? :oops: HOW??

Well it looks fantastic, but in terms of technical capability absolutely within the realm of PSP's possibilities. What makes it stand out is great art, that also really takes the size and dimensions of the handheld's display into account. Also, I think it is visible in this game more than in many others that the PSP is capable of showing true color with alpha blending (32bit per pixel), though I'm not 100% sure. But I see typical effects that use the strengths of the PSP in this era, like the color blending and so on (it has 4mb VRAM and a not that often used VFPU).

The long and short of it: they are taking their time! There is no denying it - this game is intended to sell PSPs, and sell them hard. Wow. The PSP is a perfect platform for this game, as there will be no control issues, and these games take a bloody long time, which I can't always spare at home (never got very far with FFXII for partly that reason).

Still, it looks fantastic.
God damn that looks BEAUTIFUL!!

I want this NOW!!


Hmm, well looks like PSP's finally surpassed dreamcast. Or did it already do that a while ago? Either way, this is above average ps2 level stuff.
This is why I'm hoping that if there's a FFVII remake, it's on the PSP. It'll look good, be portable, and be infantely more affordable. :)
From what I saw in the trailer it looks like what we get from PS2 Final Fantasy games. I'm not seeing these jaw dropping next-gen visuals? Or is the game looking like the best of what the PS2 is capable of what amazes some of you? Wasn't the PSP always supposed to be as powerful as the PS2? It does look pretty for PS2-type visuals though.
There is no denying it - this game is intended to sell PSPs, and sell them hard.
They sure will with me. Although I'm not sure wether I'll wait a year to see if it comes over to the PS2 like those PSP GTA games. I was really disappointed to see Lost Planet lose its exclusivity. It was the only must have can't live without game for me on the X360.
From what I saw in the trailer it looks like what we get from PS2 Final Fantasy games. I'm not seeing these jaw dropping next-gen visuals? Or is the game looking like the best of what the PS2 is capable of what amazes some of you? Wasn't the PSP always supposed to be as powerful as the PS2? It does look pretty for PS2-type visuals though.They sure will with me. Although I'm not sure wether I'll wait a year to see if it comes over to the PS2 like those PSP GTA games. I was really disappointed to see Lost Planet lose its exclusivity. It was the only must have can't live without game for me on the X360.

Eh, it looks better than Kingdom Hearts does to me. Maybe it can be pushed better due to the lower resoultion?