digitalwanderer said:
london-boy said:
I never understood what the fuss is all about to be honest.
Ultimate sci fi soap opera.
digitalwanderer said:
I'm pretty convinced now it was an intentional leak, the biggest reason being I can't find anymore leaked ones out. :(
I heard it's from an early screening for potential advertisers in Canada. Some of the work isn't complete yet: the new theme song isn't included and some sound effects are still unfinished.
Wired claims the leak may have been done on purpose by the BBC.
Wired said:
The pilot episode of the BBC's highly anticipated new Doctor Who series may have been intentionally leaked onto file-sharing networks to generate buzz, a source who instructed the network on viral advertising told Wired News.

BBC still has plausible deniability; they say someone at CBC leaked it.
In Australia we have them on every night at 6, so far we are upto around 1978 and are well into the Tom baker years in fact K9 was only introduced about 2 weeks ago si there is still a lot to see for me. A new series is definetly what I will be hankering for.
Anyone here watch the new epsiode on the Beeb last Saturday? I rather enjoyed it.

After that, BBC3 screened Farscape. Typical! It's just like buses. You wait around for ages for a SciFi series and then along come two at the same time. :?
Simon F said:
Anyone here watch the new epsiode on the Beeb last Saturday? I rather enjoyed it.

After that, BBC3 screened Farscape. Typical! It's just like buses. You wait around for ages for a SciFi series and then along come two at the same time. :?

Quite promising I thought. Good acting from the central two characters (though Ecclestone's Doctor is trying a little too hard to copy Tom Baker's manic manner). I like the way that Ecclestone makes you belive the Doctor really does think in an alien way. He's got a really muscular on screen presence, like some kind of mad football holigan time-traveller.

Rose is more of a partner than an assistant and nicely counterbalances the Doctor's only-out-of-the-box thinking. She's sassy, clever, practical, very attractive, and desperate for adventure to take her away from her boring life.

The program has got a sense of humour, and has managed to keep the very British manner whilst updating things. It even manages to be a little scary (my GF did jump at one point).

I guess we'll have to see if things settle in over the next few episodes, though I'm looking forward to see the bit from the series trailer where there's a Dalek chained up in the new, cyber-grungy TARDIS.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
She's sassy, clever, practical, very attractive, and desperate for adventure to take her away from her boring life.

MuFu said:
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
She's sassy, clever, practical, very attractive, and desperate for adventure to take her away from her boring life.


She's got some curves on her. I may also be showing my preference for "interesting-pretty" rather than "pretty-pretty". Don't be fooled by the cockney sparrow accent - she's middle class gone to acting school.

Let me put it this way - would you boot her out of bed?

Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Rose is more of a partner than a assistant and nicely counterbalances the Doctor's only-out-of-the-box thinking. She's sassy, clever, practical, very attractive, and desperate for adventure to take her away from her boring life.
Very much a Sarah Jane Smith type companion, the relationship feels similar to me 'tween these two as it did 'tween the 4th Doctor and her.

A very good sign!
"Before Eccleston took the role the money was for Alan Davies and Eddie Izzard and they have to be seen as possible contenders again."

Brilliant :D
I bet Eddie would do a pretty surreal job as Dr.Who, being a fan and all..
"Dr.Who and the Daleks go upstairs.."

Izzard would be awesome but he's a bit short and I'm not sure Dr Who would look that good in a corset. Alan Davies looks the part but he's a bit wet.

Maybe Pierce Brosnan could do it after he's finished with Bond. :LOL: