New Bulletwitch gameplay, Everyone check it out asap

Shifty Geezer said:
Can I remind people that when posting such links, it's best to actually say what impresses you about a game, rather than just 'OMGWTF Diz iz da biz checkkitout!!!111!'. Why exactly are we supposed to check it out? What are we going to be impressed by? Also, for those of us on limited monthly downloads, giving a size indicator is important.

In this particular instance I started D'loading the trailer, and when I learnt it was 70+ MB stopped, having wasted a smidgen of my quota. Certainly in my case, I'm no longer going to d'load any trailers unless people give me a reason to. 'See the incredible physics based animation' or 'marvel at the totally interactive terrain with soil modelling allowing you to dig holes and build mounds' and exciting things like that. 'Watch man run around shooting things' isn't going to grab my attention - you may be surprised but those sorts of trailers are actually quite common... ;)

if you are still interested, there is a streaming version in xboxyde. If you like you
can go with the full resolution version:

There seems to be a lot of emphasis on physics, and the graphics are there. Sometimes it looks like an HAVOC's tech demo. I guess it is interesting enought to at least download the good version of the movie, it is starting to look funny.
Dunno "lots of emphasis", at no time do we really see a particulary large amount of objects being tossed about. It's more like it's used here and there for effect, from what I can tell, and apart from the witch's telekinesis attacks it looks a little gimmicky at times.

Who wouldnt want to fire some rockets into a giant shiny brain thing?
From the latest (7/25) developer interview with Cavia:
-- Do you have any episodes about the development?

Take: The most impressive thing is the quality catch-up in the last 2 months. In the original schedule, we had expected to begin the development of the game part in Feb 2005, but for some reasons it delayed till July 2005. Furthermore we had various troubles, it was in a hopeless plight that it had no shape as a game when it was announced in Dec 2005. It was really a pathetic situation where it began to be something resembling a game at the end of April! But after that troubles could be solved and with the efforts by the staff who were riding on the momentum we could raise the quality quite a bit till the completion in June. We feel as if we made the game in 2 months though it took 2 years since the beginning of the plan.
This weeks 1UP video episode (s3xe8) had a very negative preview on the Japanese version of Bullet Witch. Here are some quotes:

"It's kinda like controling a 300 pound robot. I mean its like really difficult to move and aim at the same time. The controls are really touchy, it always feels awkward and the frame rate will start to stutter."

"There's times when the character models look pretty good, but then pretty much everything else about the game is completly bland. Like the colors are really weird the lighting is off the animation is still really really bad."

"Dumbest AI I have ever seen"

But the previewer himself did admit that just maybe for the US release of the game they could sort some of these issues out, especially the control related issues and the framerate issues.
The clipping was quite horrible in the video. The bi...witch ran through some boxes like they weren't there and her hair went through her shoulders horribly.
Doesn't look very polished technically at least. The gameplay looks to be uninspired too.
I strongly doubt they'd bother fixing the game much for US release, as it's not exactly a "big name" game to start with.

From the reports and the looks of it, a game to rent maybe but not something I could see myself investing €60.
Then again, the "Dead Rising" looked and sounded like a mediocre game at best based on first reports and pre-launch pr, and now it's one of the games I'd like to own if only I had an xbos360.
OT Post alert:

But then I have to go change my email address and stuff, for more downloads I don't much care to have.

Highly advisable for you to get a forwarding address and start to use that ASAP as your primary email address. This way you can change your ISP at will and get your email (Just update the forward to the ISP of the week's email). I know its a big pain to change your email..