New BC PS3 revision?


About half a year ago there was some discussion about a backwards compatible PS3 revision coming up some time. I remember some estimates that a new revision (60GB HD IIRC?) would come around June'08.

These talks seem to have died now? Is there any new info on this issue? I postponed my purchase at that time, is there any chance a longer wait would still do me good?
It could be the 80GB model, but I don't know if we'll see that outside of the U.S. yet.
The current rumours are for BC to return to all consoles via software emulation. I don't think you'll see a hardware emulation system return, other than the existing half-solution. Sony have no real reason to include profit-munching hardware that's hardly going to be used, with the expectation that most people who wanted BC would have got a PS3 earlier on.