NBA 2K7 First Look (PS3)

YES! Finally somebody gets it.

Thank god.

what? ps3's 2x FP calculation rate is actually good for something? no wai! lol

I don't understand why this is so hard to believe. I think x360 ******s should be happy that their games will look so damn similar to ps3's. I didn't notice anything in the videos I watched that made me shout PS3; I could have mistaken it for an X360 game. There won't be a PS2/Xbox difference this generation, but to expect that their will be no difference in fidelity between the two consoles is a mistake.
seriously Mck?

is it really that big a deal? :oops: ;)

Actually no it's not. You should ask that to the other guys trying to downplay the information in the article though. Is it that big of a deal to say the guy is lying on purpose to sell a few games?
Actually no it's not. You should ask that to the other guys trying to downplay the information in the article though. Is it that big of a deal to say the guy is lying on purpose to sell a few games?

All dev comments are like this. It was kind of like all the snotty comments when Starbreeze said Xenos was better than RSX and Cell better for code that fits the SPEs. Wibble said it best recently: Each has strengths and will have games that show them off. End of story. And as time goes on and people mess with them more they will begin to learn to exploit more things and likewise shore up shortcomings. (As an aside, I believe Xenon cores, from the last benchmarks I heard of, were faster than the PPE core in Cell, but that was a long time ago).
Maybe its just the way PS3 ouputs Contrast/colour/brightness that he's talking about. Its the same on PC, there is a slight difference bewteen the colour of an nvidia card and an ATI one.
Not going to get into the whole 360vsPS3, but from what I've been hearing this game is a lot better than Live 07. I saw this game running on a 360 at best buy the other day on a 40" hdtv setup, looked damn good. I'm thinking if I do pick up a sports game at launch, this will be the game I get. I'm more of a madden guy than basketball games, but unless the madden has improved over the 360 version, EA wont be getting my money until next year. Thanks for posting the game information.

It's also nice to note that this is a confirmed game to have up to 7 players at once. :LOL:
To put an end to which version looks better, as of now, officially, we have a guarantee from MS that xbox360 games will look better

I like they're starting to find fun ways to use the SIXAXIS.
Being able to "shoot hoops" with tilting the controller is .... almost like the Wiimote ;)
Players will be able to shoot free throws by tilting the controller back and then leaning it forward. While you can do it with minor movements, you can also hold and tilt the controller as if you were actually shooting with a basketball.
I like they're starting to find fun ways to use the SIXAXIS.
Being able to "shoot hoops" with tilting the controller is .... almost like the Wiimote ;)

^credit goes to mckmas8808 for that gif.
Maybe he is talking of AA and maybe Xbox360 does not have tiling for 720P AA. Also some review says small things like sweat is better in PS3 version. Sweat is also pixel shader operation.
I was trying to think of what he could mean by the way it renders pixels, and you may have hit that nail on the head. But another theory is that IGN have reported badly. Does the video include commentary from Thomas? If not, it's as second hand quote, so can't be taken at face value. eg. The talk of moving physics from multiple cores to an SPE doesn't sound like something a dev would say. XB360 only has three cores. Either the cloth was distributed across all three in parallel, or confined to one or two at which point talking about multiple cores doesn't seem a very good choice of words.

So for the physics I can certainly see the SPE having the advantage due to data locality working out of SPEs enabling higher efficiency of the execution units. For the rendering of pixels, I'm quite unsure. Maybe their engine is mixing RSX and Cell rendering? It'd be nice to know what Thomas was saying, rather than what the IGN reporter was understanding. 'The way the PS3 renders pixels' doesn't sound like any explanation at all. They both do it the same way, rasterizing and shading triangle data, unless you do a customized renderer incorporating the CPU.
I was trying to think of what he could mean by the way it renders pixels, and you may have hit that nail on the head.
Yeah I think he has, 1up noted there may be better reflections and sweat.
Graphically, Visual Concepts president Greg Thomas explains that the developers have been able to process more "math" through the PS3 architecture, helping the performance and the aesthetics of the game. We couldn't really see an immediate difference beyond some better reflective textures on the court and the sweat that appears on the player models. With no 360 version present, we weren't able to do a comprehensive comparison, but it seems like the PS3 game will be a small step forward.

It also should also be mentioned this game runs at 1080p

Thats a pretty big IQ difference right there.
Somebody said that on another forum the game was 1080p, and I couldnt find it in the ign article so I didnt believe it. wow if true. thanks for the link.

edit: lol thats why I didnt believe it :LOL:, thats not the same nba game. one is nba 07, the other is nba 2k7.
First of all, while thats cool you can shoot free throws by simulating the motion in real life, I dont think its for me, as when I am shooting FT right now in 2k7, one hand is doing that, the other is grabbing a drink :p

But I would hope that with the extra developement time they have had (the 360 version has been complete for some time now), the would be making the most of it. And kudos for that!

^credit goes to mckmas8808 for that gif.

Very cool. Probably the best use of the Sixaxis on the PS3 I have seen yet (imo). I would call this not-gimmicky but intuitive / immersive, and it fits perfectly in due to the fact free throws are a non-action segment of the game for the most part.

Btw, can you do granny shots :LOL:
I would call this not-gimmicky but intuitive / immersive, and it fits perfectly in due to the fact free throws are a non-action segment of the game for the most part.

I am not sure I would go that is kind of gimmicky. If you have played NBA2k7 then you know that most all of the major players and a good chuck of the lesser know have their actual or simulated animations for shots including free throws. Thus you have to time your release to match that players animation. Some like Chauncy Billups from the Pistons shoot very fast (about x2 the speed of the video). Then you have Shaq's animations which has this funky hitch (just like he does in real life) which takes a good 5 seconds to shoot. And would take more user work to shoot faster or slow..and to time it right vrs the stick control that we have now. Thats a lot of different hand movements to time and learn. And since when I shoot free throws in my mens basketball league I have my own style :)

I guess what I am trying to say is that 2k7 free throws I dont think are they best mapping, and thus I feel its kind of a gimick...