My Proof with Picture

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Here's a my proof once and for all.

All you've proved is that you are a memeber of the press and therefore probably do not work with Sony's press department.
He hasn't even proven that - all he's proven is that he can take a screen capture of a Sony press centre splash page that anyone here can access.

In fact, I think it's 100:1 odds against him even being some kind of press.

You'd think if he were going to provide a link to a personal hosted site with the purpose of proving he works for Sony, he would at least put a picture up that the rest of us CAN'T access in two seconds.
Good god will the mods kick this idiot out?! It's getting worse than IGN in here. But afterall, PCEngine still roams in here, i don't expect anything really..
Give it up Nirey. SCE aren't stupid enough to go around forums sounding like they're in deep trouble and desperation.

- Z
Err, nearly anyone could subscribe to SCEE's press centre. Even I have an account here (I need it for some work though). :LOL:
Evil_Cloud said:
Err, nearly anyone could subscribe to SCEE's press centre. Even I have an account here (I need it for some work though). :LOL:

Yeah Right! Go try it and then come back to me with your proof.
Man, you really are hilarious, anyone could get an account there, I don't need to give you proof or whatever. Get a life.
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