My PC won't boot properly, please help


My computer work fine for many years. Today when i turn my computer on it keep on going to the

Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt


Then after 30 seconds, the computer restart itself, and going back to that same screen again.

Is there anyway to fix this?

Can you test with a fresh windows install? sounds more like a software problem than a hardware problem. Or try a bios reset, that seems to fix weird problems sometimes.

Well, atleast your problem is less weird than mine. My pc can only boot into windows after I reset it. It just hangs at the bios startup screen.
the computer won't allow me to go to safe mode. When it go to this screen..

Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt

I can't select any of the choices. The keyboard just won't work at that screen, after 30 secs, it restart itself, and go to the same screen again. Please help, I saved some of my college homework on that computer:cry:
Keyboard error. Are you using a USB keyboard? Is USB keyboard enabled in the BIOS?
During boot there should be a key to get you into "setup" or "cmos setup" or "bios" something like that.
On most computers it's the delete key.
Once in the bios you can see if the keyboard is enabled or "load defaults"
This is the screen that I'm talking about.


If you can't select safe mode in that window then your keyboard is messed up. Is it a USB keyboard or a PS/2 keyboard? if it's PS/2 did you ever unplug and then plug it back in while the computer was on? Do you have another keyboard?
Ok my Keyboard work on that screen now. And I finally got to this screen.


Is this the BIOS screen? If so, is every thing look right?
Yes, that's the BIOS/aka CMOS setup.

You need to tell me if you have a USB keyboard (flat connector) or PS/2 (round connector).

Try loading fail safe defaults in the BIOS (F6) and then saving (usually F10) and rebooting.
Yes, that's the BIOS/aka CMOS setup.

You need to tell me if you have a USB keyboard (flat connector) or PS/2 (round connector).

Try loading fail safe defaults in the BIOS (F6) and then saving (usually F10) and rebooting.

Well don't know, I THINK it's round. But my keyboard are working fine now.

When I try to go to safe mode, it come up this


And when i load fail safe defaults, it said this

Boot from CD:
Boot from CD:
That is the screen that's suppose to come up on safe mode, did you let it go further? It will eventually boot into a "dumbed" down Windows.
That is the screen that's suppose to come up on safe mode, did you let it go further? It will eventually boot into a "dumbed" down Windows.

Yeah. But it WON'T go to safe mode. It keep on going back to the screen that I post on post #7

Ah my parents pc also has this from time to time. What you need to do is open up your case, find you harddisk (rectangulair thingy) and disconnect the ide or sata cable and plug them back in again. Now boot your pc and hope for the best.
Ah my parents pc also has this from time to time. What you need to do is open up your case, find you harddisk (rectangulair thingy) and disconnect the ide or sata cable and plug them back in again. Now boot your pc and hope for the best.

Try that, and it still come up this


Do you think my harddisk damage?:cry:
Most likely it is partially salvageable - but it's not easy from here on out.
Best course is to get a new HD, disconnect old one, install OS on new one, reconnect old one and then try to "explore" and find your old files from the new OS install. Be sure to install the new one as master and the old one as slave if they're on the same channel.
something that sometimes works in this situation is booting from your windows install disc, going to the recovery console, and running chkdsk. sometimes it does nothing, sometimes it fixes it.

what's the last file that loads (when you are trying to boot into safe mode and it's listing the files) before your computer reboots?
Ok I just boot from my window install disc, and try to go to revovery mode. When I try to run recovery move, it just won't run. Instead it come up this screen.


What does this mean?