My boss sucks


got a bit of a problem with my boss at work... i started working in the company 7 weeks ago and i've already been given 2 official warnings (unfair, not only according to me but to the rest of my colleagues as well) for minor issues, he is literally using me as a scapegoat everytime something goes arse up... since i have just started i've been given a 3 month trial period and i haven't obviously signed any kind of contract...
i get pushed around and yelled at on a daily basis (harsh words like idiot, f*cking jerk, waste of time etc)... so far the only thing he has shown me how to do properly is the way he drinks his tea, and he expects maximum output without any kind of input... i consider leaving the company but i don't want him to c me as a quiter, since i've never quit any kind of job i have ever done, and besides that i cannot afford being unemployed for the time being... i'd like to know what would u do if u were in my shoes (with the limited amount of info that i can give u for obvious reasons) and also is there any organisation or act for the protection of the employee in the UK? I think im going to need it soon if he starts swearing at me again... :(
In the US that could be considered a 'hostile work environment'.

HR would solve that problem real quick.
RussSchultz said:
In the US that could be considered a 'hostile work environment'.

HR would solve that problem real quick.

Depends on the HR. We've had some issues here where HR either didn't do a thing or the people making the complaint were let go.

Wish you luck!
"Personal Harassment"

If you lived in Canada, all you would have to do is throw a copy of Shah v. Xerox on his desk and you'd get a nice cheque! Well, it's not that simple as there are a zillion other variables that determine the objective test as to whether personal harassment can amount to constructive dismissal...

I think the best thing you could do is to DOCUMENT every single occurance of hostility and submit a harassment complaint to HR. However, since you are on probation you will probably be deemed to be not worth the trouble, atleast if I were in HR's shoes, that's the position I would take! (sorry!)

In the mean time, best to start looking for another job... I know it sucks, but since you're on probation, 1) HR won't care and will most likely view you as a trouble-maker, 2) the law is not in your favour (as you are on probation...), 3) if your bosses claims are in any way substantiated, then again you look bad, despite what your colleagues may say.

*goes back to writing his paper on harassment policies and procedures*
I agree with zurich, things are really stacked against you. I know you have pride in not being a quiter, and that's really an admirable trait, but sometimes that's really all you can do. And after all if your already on probation and you're not in particular favor it may not be long until your let go, at which point any possible future employers will see that and probably side with your old job. If instead you leave, you at least will be given a chance to explain your side of the story.

Good luck with what ever you chose to do.
Look for a better boss, and tell your current one what you think about him just before you resign.


In the long term, you're better off trying different jobs until you find one that suits you, instead of trying to tough it out and make your boss happy. That is probably not going to work with your current boss anyway.

But if you find a nice job, be firm and stand your ground. While you can get fired that way, ask yourself if you want to spend your working hours feeling bad and insecure, or if you want to stand up for yourself. If you won't do that, nobody else is going to.

And bad bosses have a habit of getting a lot of people against them if all of you think you can win together. But until then, you're on your own.
DiGuru said:
Look for a better boss, and tell your current one what you think about him just before you resign.
NEVER. EVER. Burn bridges. EVER.

People in the industry know each other. They talk and share info on past employees. Plus, you never know when you might end up working with/for somebody again (even at another company)
Tell him in a polite way (but make sure he understands) what you're thinking. If that doesn't help, quit. Get out of there man! That idiot is probably not worth losing any hair over.
Have you tried talking to him? It might also be helpful if you would politely ask him what the problem is and what you can do to make it better. Many bosses fall for that...
HR, and higher management would be a good place to start. If you are elloquent enough, people believe you... and if you dress well. Not sure why, but it works.
My boss is the sweetest guy ever! gives me days off whenever i need them, signs for overtime even in questionable "crisis" situations, is actually VERY funny, in a Brit way...
Shame he's not very cute.
I know this isn't comparable exactly, but I knew a professor who treated his grad students this way to motivate them. One of my friends quite simply tolkd him (the prof) that this was not the kind of thing that woudl work on him, and he would appreciate it if he did not continue using deragatory language and so forthm so the guy quit doing it...never know it might work.
friend, she worked in a place where she was the oldest, and the boss used this "technique" to all the 17 yr olds . . he sometimes would apologize to her afterwards,, but she *hated* it and left... apparently this guy has now been moved to another room coz nobody could work with him .

definately write down the times/dates and details of all incidents...
what happened with the 'warnings' didnt you have a chance to have them 'arbitrated' with you having a representive ?