Must read books

I've read tens of thousands of books. Most of them in English, even while I'm Dutch. Mostly sf and technical ones. But a lot of others as well.
i guess i have read a lot of books, really.. mostly out of the Clifford the Big Red Dog collection.
Terry Goodkinds' Sword of Truth Series is pretty good along with Niven's Ringworld and Asimov's Foundation series.
What NOT to read:

Wheel of infinite boring neverending soapopera time, by robert jordan...

Biggest fecking moneyscam in history. That story ought to be simmered down to about four or five books at most, then it would be readable. However, as it is now with what, seventeen volumes?, it's just too damn long and full of boring fluff and crap. Jesus, what a monumental waste of time.
Guden Oden said:
What NOT to read:

Wheel of infinite boring neverending soapopera time, by robert jordan...

Biggest fecking moneyscam in history. That story ought to be simmered down to about four or five books at most, then it would be readable. However, as it is now with what, seventeen volumes?, it's just too damn long and full of boring fluff and crap. Jesus, what a monumental waste of time.

I have two words for you: "Mission Earth"
mkillio said:
I've been on quite a book kick lately and I'm trying to read all the books that everyone is supposed to, I'm currently finishing The Jungle. Right now I prefer more serious non-fiction/heavely "real/istic fiction as well as auto/biographies. I have no problem with fiction though, infact, after my next book 1421: The Year CHina Discovered America I'm going to read the chronicles of Narnia.

Thanks in advance

Fast Food Nation

A People's History of the United States: 1492-Present

The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century

imho. :)
RussSchultz said:
*sniff-sniff* *sniff*

Do I smell Martin pulling a Jordan?

Hopefully not. That would be so, so depressing.

At a convention last year they introduced Jordan but it was Martin who came out on stage and stood behind the podium. Jordan then came out and tapped him on the shoulder, smiling.

I think Martin has enough integrity as a writer to not do this to his story. And his lady-love, Parris, wields considerable influence on him personally and she's insisted a Jordanesque inflation of the series would never happen.
geo said:
Zelazny "Lord of Light". Also Chonicles of Amber.
If you're going to have him read CoA I also recomend Philip Jose Farmer's "World of Tiers" series, even though it's damned hard to find any more.

The entire Vladd Taltos series by Steven Brust is also a biiiig MUST! (I think it's my fave series ever)

Also if you're going to push Heinlein on the man you also gotta push Spider Robinson, the "Mindkiller" series still fucks with me late at night. :?
Mariner said:
As for something to read - practically anything by Iain M. Banks (sci-fi) is good and some of his non SF books written as Iain Banks are pretty good also.

The Wasp Factory (Iain Banks) was an amazing debut.

The 'Culture' sci-fi book are a top read too :)
digitalwanderer said:
The entire Vladd Taltos series by Steven Brust is also a biiiig MUST! (I think it's my fave series ever)

Keerist, Digi, you scare me at times. We have not all that much in common, but a damn near dead-on taste in sf&f. I loooove Brust's stuff. He actually made me read the original D'Artagnan books.

Met him a few times (he's a hoot) too, and turned him on to the reissued 3rd & 4th Musketeer movies when they finally came out on DVD. There had been a legal hassle holding it up for quite some time.

Immediately after I finished the last Taltos that came out with Vlad popping into Adrihlankha with a Bad Attitude and a Great Weapon, I sent him some playfully revised lyrics to Thin Lizzy "The Boys are back in Town". I am *really* looking forward to what Vlad has up his sleeve next, and just how hard everybody in the world is going to try to kill him. :LOL:

"Guess who just got back today?
That wild-eyed boy that's been away
Hasn't changed, hasn't much to say
But man, I still think that cat is crazy"


No one's mentioned one of my favorites.

Alas Babylon by Pat Frank

It's about a family and small town surviving the after math of a nuclear war.
digitalwanderer said:
geo said:
Zelazny "Lord of Light". Also Chonicles of Amber.
If you're going to have him read CoA I also recomend Philip Jose Farmer's "World of Tiers" series, even though it's damned hard to find any more.

The entire Vladd Taltos series by Steven Brust is also a biiiig MUST! (I think it's my fave series ever)

Also if you're going to push Heinlein on the man you also gotta push Spider Robinson, the "Mindkiller" series still fucks with me late at night. :?

Btw, all you need to know about the connection between Brust and Zelazny is that Brust named his son "Corwin".
I bought 2 books yesterday, "May Contain Nuts" and "Flowers for Algernon".

Started "nuts" and it's the funniest book i've ever read, if you're a brit, or even if you're not, you HAVE to read this. ;)