Musk bought Twitter, what hasn't gone wrong?

Here's a readable form of what I assume is in the video you posted, I assume your claiming she's antisemitic because she said that the holocaust wasn't racist it was white on white genocide. I find your definition a little offensive, I still have trouble debating if Judaism is a race or a religion. I find it laughable that one comment would define your opinion of a black jewish lady as an antisemitic racist. I ain't saying what Whoopi said was right, but it's not anywhere near as racist as Trump is on any day ending in a "y".

Not that I'm jumping in on this either way, but I'm sure Jewish people are happy to know that Hitler wasn't having them gassed due to their race. :p

While there are some jewish people who are white passing the jewish people are themselves are not considered white and do not see themselves as white.
That doesn't parse, at least I can't parse it :) Adding some comma might help.

Whatever you meant, I'm Jew and white. And all members of my family consider themselves as Jew and white.
I'm not worried about Tesla, more like schadenfreudish. Meta has been throwing away money just trying to die on their metaverse, I don't expect them to make it through next year anymore than I expect Twitter to.

Elon Musk has a glass ego, and watching it get shattered repeatedly and his fun antics at it breaking are just amusing the bejeebus out of me tbh. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. :yes:

On a related note, Meta just announced the layoffs will start tomorrow morning. I told you Yuckberg was jealous of Musk!

With Facebook/ Meta I think they saw the writing on the wall. They were extremely dependent on advertising and we saw profits drop like a rock when apple increased privacy on the iphone. Android is also looking to do similar things. So at least they are trying to pivot to something new. I think the issue is that the hardware just simply isn't ready. I think for the average consumer they want what VR will be in the 2030s which is high resolutions with eye tracking , Foveated rendering and the most important , it to be as small as possible , if they could get to large sunglasses things will start moving a lot faster for them.

I also think they need to buy a developer like Crytek or something that can actually make the software for the metaverse
Musk tried using new gray verification marks on accounts to show they're official this morning, and he killed the idea a little later.

Twitter on Wednesday unveiled -- and then almost immediately scrapped -- a new gray "official" label for some high-profile accounts as Elon Musk struggles to revamp the highly influential platform following his $44 billion buyout.

"I just killed it," Musk tweeted just hours after the new tag was added to government accounts as well as those of big companies and major media outlets.

"Please note that Twitter will do lots of dumb things in coming months. We will keep what works & change what doesn’t," the world's richest man added to explain the U-turn.

Twitter offering some laid-off staff only half what they’re owed, lawsuit says​

Employees suing asked court to require Twitter to notify staff of lawsuit.​

According to Liss-Riordan, Twitter told laid-off employees they “would receive the same severance pay and benefits they would have received under Twitter’s previous ownership,” but it now appears that’s not true. Twitter’s prior policy was to provide “at least two months' severance (or more, based on years of service), as well as bonuses, equity, and other benefits,” Liss-Riordan said, but Musk’s Twitter told employees given the official termination date of January 4, 2023, that they would only get one month’s severance pay.

“This is a breach of contract; it's unlawful and wrong,” Liss-Riordan said.

Liss-Riordan told Ars that Twitter should be required to provide notice to employees of the class-action lawsuit before asking them to sign severance agreements.
They're just random accounts people make and pay the $8 to become "verified", which doesn't actually mean anything anymore other than you have $8 and a credit card number.

It never meant anything before either cause so many people had it. Esp "journalists"

I like the one person saying what about activists and journalists lol. WTF would an activist be blue check marked ? That sums up exactly what was wrong with old twitter and hopefully new twitter will grow to fix

And of course

It's just about power and influence. If you didn't have a blue check marks other blue check marks didn't care about you. Now that everyone can have a blue check mark no one is special.
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