By some people. Or are you suggesting B3D isn't a discussion board or divergent opinions, but a club for like-minded thinkers?
Maybe to quell the fanatics, somebody should put bf3 on a 6 year old pc at the same cost as the respective console and at the 10 ft experience. Then plot cost vs year up to now, for every hardware/software change that year to overtake that console experience in any appreciable manner (not 1 foot from the screen pixel counting. not counting sudden ridiculous framerate spikes into the average). That fanatic should then feel quite stoked about their investment and the black magic repi and crew (not to mention many more hardworking devs on other games) are pulling off on bf3 on console.
That strikes me as a negative spin on a useful comparison. Such a comparison would reveal what hardware is really capable of when pushed, and how consoles compare to open PC designs. It'd be a look at software progress and hardware design, irrespective of the badge on front.
If not, they can always buy today's midrange (or mid-range from at most 2 years ago maybe), and play bf3 in most of it's glory and everything they missed up to 4 years prior when they limped along on that initial mid-range pc investment. Unfortunately, they'd still miss the highest of the high-end effects on the latest and greatest hardware of today though. Which is reserved for the elitest of course.
And here we see why mixing PC gamers with consoles gamers for cross-platform games is a bad idea. Too many on either side caring more about what box they have than the games they play. It boggles my mind why anyone would feel a sense of frustration or superiority because someone picked a different platform from them.