MrSingh speaketh of PS2 vs Naomi2

chaphack said:
For someone who mistook ARC VF4 EVO for PS2 version ?

me? did i? even if i did, acutal display >>> tiny mpeg. ;) cant blame me. :p

Still, anyone to confirm that VF4 Evo PS2 does indeed use P.Scan?

I can tell you that VF4 EVO PS2 does not support P.Scan, I have the game.

It was expected to be P.Scan from earlier impresswatch news, but no more reference to that article can be found now.
IMO I'm pretty suprised, yet at the same time disappointed to see a thread such as this being tolerated, especially now that we have moderators that are supposed to be keeping an eye on flamings instead of participating in them or stiring up new ones.


MrSingh speaketh of PS2 vs Naomi2

Some info for the Naomi 2 and PS2 fanboys.

According to the latest issue of CG World (Japanese 3D graphics trade mag), the PS2 character models of VF4 are about half of the Naomi 2 version. For example, Jacky is made of 14,000 polygons in the Naomi 2 version, but in the PS2 version Jacky's model has about 7,000 polygons.

What does the above quoted article have to do with the topic's title? Unless you want to messure the performance of a system by the effort/time put down by AM2 developers on a PS2 port and the Naomi2 optimized version, I don't really see how this is relevant to the debates we had in the past regarding this issue. Perhaps you can explain me this, as I really fail to see what you're intending to achieve here, apart of it being a perfectly suited thread for flamings, based on some remark an AM2 developer made which obviouly doesn't tell the whole story.

In other words, perhaps I should build some scenario where an extremely optimized version of a PS2 game gets ported in 1/3rd of the time to the Naomi2 platform and then form an arguement about how much better PS2 hardware is using the two games as proof. That's about as pathetic as what is being done here, seriously. :rolleyes:


System specs don't need to change . The demands of a fighter may be much higher than those of another game where reaction type from u pressing a button to it being displayed on the screen is greater than a game like silent hill. Acording to reports three of the biggest fighters on the ps2 use less than 10k polygons for chars . How do u explain this . Did the specs change on both of these great developers which stops them from using more polygons in the game.

You totally (though not surpisingly) missed the point Almasy was trying to make. You can't be serious of just comparing the geometry being used on characters? That's like comparing only the polycounts of cars in racing games. Hey, if that's the case, maybe devs should just develop a beat'm up game with just two characters leaving out background and all the other objects that require geometry to meet your "ideal" demands. :rolleyes:

What was your point again? Did you even have one to beginn with, because honestly, it's quite obvious I'm not the only one here puzzled with what you're trying to contribute to the thread.


Almasy, you're an idiot, he's just saying from what we've seen, that's all that's being used at present - not that PS2 isn't capable of more.

And why is he an idiot? Perhaps if jvd would have contributed something usefull and perhaps conprehended the easy understandable point Almasy was trying to make (which came across perfectly may I add), we wouldn't have 2 pages filled with rubbish. In fact, this thread is rubbish as it contributes nothing but flames and proves absolutely nothing to the topic "PS2 vs Naomi2". IMO, idiots are those who fail to contribute something relevant, and the one you're insulting here certainly can't be blamed.
Lazy8s said:
Chill out man, I was asked how much N2 and System 246 was going for these days, I wasn't ask about manufacturing cost.
I wasn't trying to come across as scathing... sorry if it sounded like that.

I thought the relevancy of darkblu's question about price was with regard to the two technologies, since the topic started just two messages earlier with a comparison between Naomi 2's VF4 and the one for PS2. I didn't think the subject had been changed to vendor pricing, though that's an interesting topic in its own right.

i should have carried out my wording more carefully. sorry.

the way i asked the question i would have taken either manufacturing or market costs for an answer but my original idea was to eventually get down to the manufacturing costs, yet not in the sense of narrow production cost, but rather in a broader sense, incl the system R&D const. that is why the vendor costs (not 2nd hand) would have been relevant and served as a hint for the overall manufacturing costs (incl. the R&D costs). so again, my bad on the wording part. i asked about reasonable figures in the sense of figures not pulled out of thin air, i'm not a proponent of the let's-see-what-the-prices-of-the-parts-are-at-the-moment-at-best-buy approach.
And perhaps if u added something of value this thread would be of much better use to us all .

Off to enjoy the last week of class as a senior.... Hey what comes after a senior ?
And perhaps if u added something of value this thread would be of much better use to us all .

Off to enjoy the last week of class as a senior.... Hey what comes after a senior ?

Greasy internet slob? :LOL:

Anyway, like it was stated before, there are way too many conditions to consider when measuring the performance that one title displays over the other. Does the Arcade version feature more technical prowess? Of course, but AM2 clearly made a noble first effort of pumping out some nice things on the PS2. Besides, I thought everyone knew the development time on the PS2 version fell around 6 months.

In any event, is PS2 supposed to be more powerful than the Naomi 2? I thought its pretty much a given that arcade machines always have more resources (due to higher price) to burn.
No P.Scan? Bleh.....i really wished it was though, good to prove the PS2 haters wrong about VF4, but guessed that is not going to happen....

looking at your Soul Calibur craze, i assume you have VF4 Evo PS2, soooo how the graphics?
chaphack said:
No P.Scan? Bleh.....i really wished it was though, good to prove the PS2 haters wrong about VF4, but guessed that is not going to happen....

looking at your Soul Calibur craze, i assume you have VF4 Evo PS2, soooo how the graphics?

Haven't compared anything with the old VF4 and the new VF4 EVO yet (or haven't played it much yet), too many games to play (I had finished all 3 versions of SCII recently :LOL: , still have FF X-2, .hack v4, Kaido and others before going back to VF4/VF4 EVO, when I can come back to it, Silent Hill 3 will have been released, ...).

And BTW, even with VF4, I think it looks and plays pretty good, VF4 EVO is a bit more detailed from my little playing time on it, didn't check it closely yet.
hope they haven't taken Kumite/custom player out of it.. that added an endless amount of reply to VF4, and imo instantly put to the #1 fighter-of-all-time spot.
jvd said:
And perhaps if u added something of value this thread would be of much better use to us all.

i assume above was directed at me. hmm, let me see what value i could add to this thread *thinking..* perhaps reiterate on some of the earliear posters' attempts to install a bit of common sense?

first, arguing over the performance characteristics of platform A vs platform B without considering the cost of the systems under consideration makes little sense, as for every given graphics cruncher X, there could be build an N-times-more-poweful graphics cruncher Y at a price >= N-times the original price (and that is in the context of the same timeframe, as technologies advance with time). that's why people invented the price-performance factor, and have insisted on using it.

second, when measuring performance of platform A vs platform B, it's best to use as similar testcase software as possible (and one which does not employ completely alien techiques) for any one of the paltforms. thus, considering a well-implemented title which is available on both platforms is as good as one can do in the console/arcade case (as multiplatform performance test suites are somewhat rare in the console domain), but then one has to "factor" the raw performance figures (such as the original '14K vs 7K') with factors such as 'time spent on optimizations on each paltform', 'developer's experience with the paltform' and 'overall timeframes of the project' come to mind right away.

finally, a plea to you, guys: don't turn every thread on this forum into a fan-fight, includingly some of those threads which are apparently of a flame-bate nature - those do not necessarily imply people take out their guns.