Movies you would like to see made.


After all these talks and all the movies coming out, I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone else would like to see.

Personally I would love to see the Foundation series done. Esp by Peter Jackson if possible.
More Fantasy style movies made ala LOTR. I always like Melanie Rawns Dragon Prince series, and there are many other good ones.

Also maybe a bit chz, but Id like to see an A-Team movie. Mr T owns :D
Blitzkrieg said:
After all these talks and all the movies coming out, I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone else would like to see.

Personally I would love to see the Foundation series done. Esp by Peter Jackson if possible.
More Fantasy style movies made ala LOTR. I always like Melanie Rawns Dragon Prince series, and there are many other good ones.

Also maybe a bit chz, but Id like to see an A-Team movie. Mr T owns :D

They are making an A-Team movie. :D
I would like to stop seeing movies based on famous books. Or remakes of old movies. But I know, it's like saying no more movies (from USA, that is) at all.
Spawn 2 is #1 on my wishlist. I don't think it would be technically possible, but I'd like to see MDK as a movie, I think that would truly rock.

I'd also like to see some serious pr0n with me and Angelina Jolie playing the leading roles ;)
--My life story. 8)
--wheel of time series by Robert Jordan
--Any of the series by Terrie Brooks <--my fav author. :)
--Riftwar saga by raymond feist
--The Darktower by stephen king
--Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind
--Song of Fire and Ice series by George R Martin
--Parts of the Dragonlance series are really great.

Personally, i'm not sure i'd want to see any more movies based on books i've read. They just never ever hold up with the magnificent mind trips that go on in my brain when i read the books.

At the moment, i'm having a total book period, i'm reading non stop, and i kind of lost my interest in movies. Though i do want to see WOTW just to see the destruction and all.
epicstruggle said:
--wheel of time series by Robert Jordan
Oh god, no! The movies would be 1000hrs long and would just repeat the same plot line over and over and over.... it'd be almost as bad as "Thomas Covenent" which'd have people slashing their wrists...

There are far better fantasy novels out there that actually move the plot along.
Simon F said:
epicstruggle said:
--wheel of time series by Robert Jordan
Oh god, no! The movies would be 1000hrs long and would just repeat the same plot line over and over and over.... it'd be almost as bad as "Thomas Covenent" which'd have people slashing their wrists...

There are far better fantasy novels out there that actually move the plot along.
maybe a tv series would be better outlet for his books. :p
Historical Fiction
"Bernadette Black," by Claire Gabriel, with Larry Fishbourne as the protagonist

Swords and Sorcery
"The Fionivar Tapestry," and "Tigana" by Guy Gavrael Kay.
"The Forgotten Beasts of Eld," by Patricia McKillip.
"Riddlemaster of Hed" trilogy by Patricia McKillip.

Science Fiction
"Childhood's End," by Arthur Clark.
"Ender's Game, " by Orson Card.

"The Long Run" by Daniel Keyes Moran, starring Len DiCaprio as Trent and the dancer from Serenity as Denice Castanaveras, and Jean Reno as Emile
"Emerald Eyes" by Daniel Keyes Moran, starring Al Pacino as Carl Castenaveras and Gary Oldman as Jerome Carson.
"Diamond Age" by Neil __ a young Natalie Portman (via time travel).

Espionage and Crime
"Asset in Black" by ____
"Solo" by Jack Higgins
"Brimstone," by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

"Zoo Story" by Ed Albe starring John Maklovich as Jerry

Oh, and before I die I'd like to see one version of "Dune" that does a proper tribute to the Duke Leto's dinner party.
L233 said:
I want IMAX pr0n.
In 3d. Actually making something like that would be difficult atleast if you want it a bit on the wild side as you can't get away with the tricks of the trade to make the women look younger.
I would like to see Gibson's Neuromancer/CountZero/MonaLisaOverdrive made into 6-9 movies by the Wachowski brothers under close supervision by Gibson himself.

Sterling's Schismatrix made by Ridley Scott or James Cameron.
"London-Boy Does Dallas"



not that it would NEED to be an IMAX film... would be big enough on a normal screen!!!
A three or so movie series of Wilbur Smith`s Birds of prey and the following two books who`s name`s I cannot recall. It would most likely be bastarddized to hell and back but if they could keep the entire story in tact it would be a masterpiece (and 3 very very long movies)