Movie sequels that didnt suck

Maybe it's because I was much younger when I saw it, but I totally agree. The villian robots were sweet. So many hours of Lego inspired by ED209 and the Cain robot. :cool:

The third was unfortunately the crappiest action sequel I've ever seen, right alongside Predator 2.
Terminator 2 is a sequel to make all others jealous. That movie had it all. And it was a good Arnold movie to boot. I just remember the whole nuclear scene when the city was going o dust in the dream. That scared the shit out of me. It also used CG to make things possible that wouldn' normally be possible otherwise, so it only added to the movie and not take it over.

Evil Dead 2 is hilarious. It's a good sequel, but my heart really belongs to Army of Darkness.

Aliens 2 was the one movie that really made the whole Aliens universe have its character. There was nothing more bad-ass than the queen at the end of the movie. She was a beast. It's also a good indicator of what can be done with a budget and the people who know how to make the most out of it.

I'm torn on Spiderman 2, I think it is as good as the first one. It's part of a series so I look at it like I look at Lord of the Rings.
I'm torn on Spiderman 2, I think it is as good as the first one. It's part of a series so I look at it like I look at Lord of the Rings.

Gah, it just had to be the last post on here that mentioned Spidey 2. I scanned down the comments ever so carefully. I was hoping to open everyone's eyes/remind people.

It's probably cos I'd been dreaming of a film version with me playing the part of Peter Parker. Instead they give it to that dweeb Tobey Maguire who I dislike even more cos he did such a good job of it. :(

Really looking forward to the 3rd installment.

Now for those obvious sequels. Aliens was the last great film in the series I think. Back to the Futures, Indiana Jones' and finally the Police Story sequels were great too. Mind you they didn't start that high in the first place.
ok just saw saw2 + it wasnt as good as saw they destroyed it a bit, too many charcters for a start, it had the feeling of made for tv, it had NO puzzels to solve (the begin was good u have a guy with the key in his eye, a min is to small (should of beeen a day) but tv saiz its gotta happen quick???
anyways verdict saw2 is not as good as saw
but my heart really belongs to Army of Darkness.
hmmm i assume u are serious,
now u realise this is saying like matrix 2/3 are better than matrix1

shit, i dont know, humour, i got 'weddingcrashers' out + have watched the first half ( it is high on TBDM ) but shit its not funny fullstop , mate i laughed when borats chicken was loose on the train but this ......
Hey, it's just my opinion. Can't blame me for liking a movie that you find repulsive. I'm sure there are movies you love that others of us find absolutely horrible, but you love htem for your own personal reasons.

I will go on record saying I like the first Matrix better than the other two.
Hey, it's just my opinion. Can't blame me for liking a movie that you find repulsive. I'm sure there are movies you love that others of us find absolutely horrible, but you love htem for your own personal reasons.
u misunderstand me, personally i really enjoyed evildead3,
i was talking about it 'as a film' ie not judging it with my personal tastes, it definitly was subpar compared to the first 2 ( esp when u take budgets into consideration ) ok maybe the matrix comparrision wasnt correct, it definly wasnt that bad.
i believe the problem with ed3 is it descended into frace much to quick,
much better would of been it starting off with a more straight serious horror feel + then gradually descend into farce, ie pull the viewer in, keep them guessing.
as with cards or whatever u dont wanna show your hand to quick
ed1+2 both had great pacing