I thought the action scenes were just dull and interchangeable. Colorful gasoline explosions, super-slow motion, and wall to wall effects. The direction was incredibly bland and tired. Compared to something like the Hong Kong battle in Pacific Rim the action scenes in AoE were just boring. Credit where credit is due, though. Unlike in the first 3 movies, the action scenes weren't quite as over-edited, had a decent sense of space, and were easy enough to follow. The more distinct looking robots which weren't exclusively shot in close-up helped a great deal as well. On the flip side the movie simply had none of those crazy XXXL set pieces. No sand eating metal monster with robo testicles and no skyscraper devouring robo worm either. It was just scene after scene of medium sized shiny things shooting and/or punching each other.
By the time the movie arrived at its Beijing setting, my patience had long since expired anyway.