mouse suggestions

see colon

All Ham & No Potatos
my logitech ifeel mouseman just died (all of the buttons work but it no longer tracks) so i'm now in themarket for a new mouse. i'd love to get something with force feedback again, and was wondering if anyone had any experience with any of the newer tactile mice out there.
Newer tactile mice? I had no idea there still were such beasts...

Everybody seems to like the MX510. Also, the MX900 is a very nice cordless mouse with a great bluetooth base unit. MX1000 is faster and claims to be more precise, but uses older proprietary RF tech for its communications.

The MS Intellimouse 4 is OK. The thumb buttons are placed a bit awkwardly and the middle button is much too hard to push, particulary for gaming purposes. The smooth scroll wheel works great in windows, but not nearly as well in games. However, if you don't play games much (;)) it doesn't really matter.

Overall I'd say MX510. As a bonus, it looks boss too. :D
I'm tempted to buy a MX510 to replace my MX700, which has been acting a bit weird (probably because the EM field coming from my computer, speakers, and monitor is way too strong for it. maybe I can overclock it!)
The Diamondback looks sweet as hell, 'cept for the god-awful side buttons. :(

I would have gotten a Razer if the side buttons hadn't gotten such universal and rotten reviews. :?
thanks for the help, guys. i actualy gave away a razer boomslang i won at a lan party less than 6 months ago. i can get it back, since the person who has it uses something else (don't know why). the good news is, i took apart my ifeel mouseman, cleaned out the dust bunnies that were collecting around the lens with a blast of compressed air, and put it back together and it works nicely again.

i don't think i can go back to a "normal" mouse again. i like the force feedback, and i don't understand why more companies didn't jump onto the bandwagon. i might stockpile as many tactile mice i can find in the near future for when this one goes.
Forcefeedback is a niche product, I am sorry that you like it (since you are in the minority and wont get new products).

The reason is that you cannot aim for crap if your mouse bounces under your hand.

And DW I agree about the side buttons that is why I still haven't bought one, but I really dislike my current mouse Intellimouse explorer, b/c it just isn't sensitive enough.
Sxotty said:
And DW I agree about the side buttons that is why I still haven't bought one, but I really dislike my current mouse Intellimouse explorer, b/c it just isn't sensitive enough.
I was in the same boat and bought an mx510 and I love it to pieces. :)

Much comfier than my intellimouse, and very much more responsive.