More Xenon rumors

Simon F said:
Gubbi said:
ad. 2: Doesn't relate to IMRs, but since a TBDR has to check all polygons against all other polygons in a tile for visibility, reducing the number of polygons per tile is paramount.
That'd be an O(N^2) algorithm which'd be insane. No-one in their right mind would do that. Visibility testing is O(N) just as it is for an IMR.
Yes, yes, yes I know :) It just came out wrong.

My point was that you have a finite amount of Z-comparators for each pixel to select which polygon is the front-most, no ?

And by reducing the amount of polygons in a tile you reduce the amount of Z-comparators needed to sustain a given level of performance.

Alstrong said:
My friend has a 1.4GHz Tualatin in his and a 120GB 7200rpm HDD...

how's that working? better framerates?

Fox5 said:
You can put in all those things. Fastest and still compatible cpu available is a normal pentium 3.(there's also a 1.4ghz celeron, p4 based maybe? but it breaks compatibility with many games) You can't put in faster ram(where would you buy it, and how would the motherboard recognize it?) you can double the ram as well, and you can replace the harddrive completely, as well as add in an 80 pin cable(instead of 40) to speed up load times.

I don't get how you say that you can't put in faster ram, but you can double the ram and....still recognize:?: :oops: :?:

*daydreams about faster load times*

The machine just won't run the ram any faster than 200mhz. Plus, it would break compatibility. An extra 64MB of ram does not though.
Alstrong said:
oh. :oops:

how does extra ram help xbox games? They're designed to run on 64MB only..... :?:

Some load times may be faster I think. The main purpose is for running linux though.(wonder if you can get it to run windows?)

The main way to help load times is to replace the standard 40 pin cable with an 80 pin ide cable.
Guden Oden said:
That is exactly what happens in GC when you do antialiasing. It transforms data, sends it to Flipper which draws half the screen and dumps it to main RAM, then re-sends geometry and draws the remaining lines.
Why not displace geometry half a pixel, and then alphablend instead? Then you only have to send geometry and not also copy the framebuffer to main mem.