Missing ~30GB from HD.

London Geezer

Right, i know this will sound strange, but basically... I'm missing around 30GB from my HDD.

The HD is 160GB and i can only locate around 110GB of "stuff" in all the folders that are contained in the drive. My Docs is about 60GB, My Programs is about 40GB, Windows folder is about 3GB and count no more than 4GB for other folders. Total about 110GB. Free space is about 20GB.

Where is the rest gone???

A "160"Gig drive is in all intents and purposes only 149Gigs after it goes through the marketting factor (1 Marketing Meg = 1,000,000 bytes, 1 Marketing Gig = 1,000,000,000 bytes - versus - 1 Computer Meg = 1,048,576 bytes, 1 Computer Gig = 1,073,741,824 bytes) and then the overhead of partitioning and formating with a filesystem.

Also, are you using the "Size" or the "Size On Disk" field to do your calculations?

It may also be used/reserved for the Recycle Bin or System Restore systems.

So as it is, you're only missing about 19 Gigs, not 30.
To find out if it's a cluster size related effect, compare the "Size" with the "Size on disk" when you check a drive's properties.

Have you looked into how much you have allocated by system restore?
You can go to the System control panel, "System Restore" tab, and check the settings there.