might this be because I'm actually gay?


13 short of a dozen
whenever I make it with a chic, afterwards I feel all grossed out and really wish I hadn't done it.

For instance, Sage just got laid (by someone 2.4 times his age... ehehehehehe, lucky me) and during the entire drive home he wasnt even swallowing his spit because he was afraid that he'd end up infecting himself with some dissease that the chic had (although he really has no reason to assume that he would contract anything) and he would have gotten from kissing her. As soon as he got home, he gargled mouthwash, washed his hands and forearms with anti-bacterial soap, dumped the clothes he was wearing in a special pile to be washed numerous times before being worn again, and then jumped into a scalding hot shower and used anti-bacterial hand soap all over his body, even his face and his weenie (and yes, he was using protection but still felt the need to wash his weenie)

So, I'm thinking that maybe this is a gay behaviour. Or is it normal? Or maybe it's just because none of the chicks Sage has been with were of the highest quality or were of unknown quality with reasonable evidence for suspician... (and when reading that last statement you should remember that Sage currently holds the World Campion Title for understatement)

I felt the need to post something funny. :LOL:
Sage said:
So, I'm thinking that maybe this is a gay behaviour.
Or maybe it is because you porked an ugly-ass bitch? :)

Seriously though... I don't think what you experienced after that, ehm, encounter, is enough to classify you as having gay tendencies. I mean, straight people can be turned off by sexual encounters with the opposite gender if said encounter was under circumstances they find unappealing.

If you want to find out if there's teh ghey in you, you could try some self-medication. There's tons (understatement of the day) of pictures you can look at and stories you can read on the internet, if any of it turns you on, well, either sex with that woman was VERY bad, or you could be bent to some lesser or greater degree...
well no its wasnt that the sex was bad at all. and im not just talking about this time, I'm talking about every time ive done it. i just look back and go "eww gross, why the hell did i do that!?"
Now you know how everyone feels after they look at my porn collection. :LOL:
Why are you doing ugly girls in the first place? :LOL:
Why not try doing a guy, see if you are disgusted afterwards, if not, then you're gay.

Sage said:
well no its wasnt that the sex was bad at all. and im not just talking about this time, I'm talking about every time ive done it. i just look back and go "eww gross, why the hell did i do that!?"
great sex doesnt mean you dont go "WTF is THIS doing in my bed" after it.
i guess some gays prolly have same problem. ;)
Oh...my...LORD. That was scary!

DAMN, don't do that again! :D

(Besides, what kind of a person would have their washing machine in the KITCHEN?! :))
Talking about yourself in the third person is a sure-fire sign that you're gay.
Well, since you're the guy it probably wasn't your mouth you should have been worried about.

Are you a neat freak? How many times per day do you wash your hands? This may be general kooties behavior, rather than anti-chic behavior.
digitalwanderer said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
Why not try doing a guy, see if you are disgusted afterwards, if not, then you're gay.
Yup, it's the only way to know for sure.
Just don't pick a bear that's 2.5 times your age. (Unless you're into that sort of thing)
RussSchultz said:
Just don't pick a bear that's 2.5 times your age. (Unless you're into that sort of thing)
Yeah, pick a little guy 2.5 times your age to start with.

And don't forget to take a picture with your camera phone of you two out on your date, we need to make sure this is an effective test for it to be accurate.
I'm thinking by doing that all he'll prove is he doesn't like having sex with people who are 50+.

Which I can pretty much agree with at this point in my life.
Sage, you're not weird to have the reaction you described after the sex with the girl. Jack Nicholson wasn't gay in "As Good As it Gets" but he may have the same reaction as yours (ok, I know Jack was sick in that movie).

No, you're weird because you are gay.

I'm not saying I have a dislike of gays -- I have 2 nephews I like that are gays -- but I am saying gays are not normal. Oh boy, here we go, I just know I am going to get flamed for this.... but you know me, I can't stand not speaking my mind... look what happend to me wrt B3D!
MasterBaiter said:
Andy said:
Sage if this is the "woman" you slept with I'd be worried too!

Man, I just feel like I stared @ the sun. :oops:

I don't think I will be able to have sex now for at least a few months.

Well I’m not the world’s most masculine man
But I know what I am and I’m glad I’m a man
And so is Lola

Just because it needed to be here. :LOL:
Now I'm no psychologist but that doesn't sound like your gay, rather that you have some sort of issue with it. Some possible causes... Guilt because you didn't love the person? Guilt because you aren't married to the person? Disguested because you were taught sex is bad/dirty? Disgusted because you were abused when you were younger? Guilt because you don't feel worthy of having sex?

But yeah, to this untrained individual you don't sound gay at all, just that you have some subconcious problems that need to be found, and dealt with.
Killer-Kris said:
you were taught sex is bad/dirty?


hey, at least I didnt want to very seriously cut off Sage's penis and testicles this time.