

Certified not a majority
Microsoft always was about freedom, developers doing their stuff as they saw fit, and sharing in the profit. But, it seems those days are definitely over; you need to go to Google (or a smaller outfit, like mine) to get such a climate at work nowadays.

Microsoft has become top heavy: more managers than technicians, who all want to have things done their way. The most straightforward receipt for disaster ever invented.

Who else thinks there is no way Microsoft can produce good software anymore, unless they buy it?
I find Vista to be good, and Office 2007 is an amazing product. Therefore, the basis of your argument (and the typical assumptions you always make) are not going to work.
Yeah? Not that I hate Office 2007, because they got a couple of things right FINALLY that they were getting wrong for about 10 years. That's not too redeeming ... Vista is pretty much the same in that regard.

I think right now their best product and idea in general is probably .NET. Other than that, I'm not sure.
Best development perhaps but from what I hear it produces bloated crappy-as-hell code.

And probably has one of the slowest compilers known to man? And is buggy with Dual Core machines (half the time I start I get a Windows Class error, exact same problem a friend has on his Dell D620, though apparently due to MDAC 2.8)

I have a problem actually. Wonder if anyone here has any idea. I use the following event on a treeview: TreeView1_AfterSelect.

In this event, I change the active node in a document object, and this document object updates another control and then sets focus to it.

Except that when I select a node by mouse, the focus is always returned to the treeview, no matter what I do or try and where. When I use the keyboard arrow up to move to the next node, it doesn't happen.

Anyone any idea/workaround?
He's just pissed at MS because of his bad Vista experience with STALKER :LOL:
Actually I think MS improved their quality thru times.
MS-DOS, which they bought from a hacker that initially branded it QDOS as in "Quick-and-Dirty-OS", was particulary excellent in beeing horrible in anything it did.
Windows 1-3.1 were a horrible frontend for MS-DOS, buggy and dog-slow.
Win95 finally caught up in features to competitors - its the first I would call a true OS, still horrible buggy. Win98 was better and Win2000 was really good.

How can you conclude its actually worse than before? When did MS share their profit, and when did they not buy software and slap their name on it?
I believe that we should make an split between the main and classic Microsoft and the new Microsoft that has emerged in the last years.

The problem is that no one is improving in Operating Systems and all the people is adapting the current Operating Systems to the new technologies but Microsoft did a good work with XP and with it they surpassed the all Mac OS (which isn´t the same than OS X, is another thing) and now with Vista the leap is less than before.
Obviously it's not going to happen but it'd be interesting if MS could start from scratch on an OS. Their server suite of software is quite good though.

It's just with the PC's being so diverse in hardware/software/configurations it's gotta be virutally impossible to get it all figured out.
entirely, look at OS X's compatably with hardware, and even FOSS compatability with hardware, yeah NetBSD's claim that it'll "run on anything including a toaster" is true, but at what level is it running? while Apple is able to sell a more or less rigid development environment and platform, hardware and software together (just like workstations of old), Microsoft is more or less putting one software environment (thats more or less stable, even if it doesn't pull 90 day uptimes) over a MASSIVE amount of hardware with relative efficiency, I'd say they're doing fairly well

the only thing I've ever had a problem with is their whole "lets own everyone and rule the world" policy
Its funny how balmer said that open source is communism yet ms got their start by selling public domain software as their own

one of my pet hates about ms is their embrace and extend practices
The thing that bothers me the most, and has with every Windows release, is it's inconsistency. Some things are just not made to be done by mortals in Windows, Or are completely illogical; or even worse, inaccesible.

Yet i keep using Windows, for two reasons, two vague ones that don't hold any water really. I don't like Apples design, i just don't. Software i have learned to use don't exist on either OSX or Linux.

I'm just a coward really, i don't want to jump into Mac or Linux because it's scary to have to relearn and redo stuff when i finally get to do things kinda efficient on my Windows machine.

Thats why i'm getting a Vaio instead of a Macbook :p
The thing that bothers me the most, and has with every Windows release, is it's inconsistency. Some things are just not made to be done by mortals in Windows, Or are completely illogical; or even worse, inaccesible.

Yet i keep using Windows, for two reasons, two vague ones that don't hold any water really. I don't like Apples design, i just don't. Software i have learned to use don't exist on either OSX or Linux.

I'm just a coward really, i don't want to jump into Mac or Linux because it's scary to have to relearn and redo stuff when i finally get to do things kinda efficient on my Windows machine.

Thats why i'm getting a Vaio instead of a Macbook :p
But then again, you have to relearn just as much when you switch from XP to Vista, or from an earlier Office to Office 2007.

Count your blessings.
But then again, you have to relearn just as much when you switch from XP to Vista, or from an earlier Office to Office 2007.

Count your blessings.

No. Nearly every common aspect of Vista works similar to those in XP. The jump is so minimal that I find it ridiculous how people blow it out of proportion so often. Things are placed in a few spots, but that's vastly different from the basic signaling and other changes you'll encounter with a switch to OSX.

Office to Office 2007 maybe, but you act like having Vista and Office 2007 is tied together when they're not at all. Typical of your style though.