Yep, I agree. I also feel the hard drive as we know it will be going the way of the dodo sooner rather than later.
I disagree. There's still tons of opportunities for HDDs in consumer electronics. (Plus it'll be hard to beat in terms of $/MB for quite some time still)
So you think Nin was right sticking with carts for the N64?
Well to some degree (in terms of 'console survivability) yeah! CD drives and HDDs do add more failure points and increase the rate of failure. Aside from that, internal power supplies are the next most common failure point (or cause of failures of other components)... Notice that the BigN still uses external bricks???
Sony forced the issue of optical media.
Well technically NEC is the one that forced the issue... Sony just happened to be the one that exploited it the most and made the biggest success off of it.
Very good point. Just like the SNES having a port for a CD-ROM drive proved that the N64 was going to have a CD-ROM drive built in, and the multi-tap for the PSX proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the PS2 was going to have four controller ports, and the N64 having the 64DD was proof positive that the GameCube was going to include a sizeable rewriteable media drive included.
Well the SFC port was for 'generic expansion' and it was used for the BS-X module (I've still got mine!)... Multi-taps on the PSX were nothing new either as the PC Engine (with it's '1' port) started the trend of multi-taps, and the Saturn exploited this the most (supporting 10 players, Saturn Bomberman!!!)... Sorry, got nothing for the 64DD/GCN...
However, the difference between your analogy and the PS2 was that Sony showcased the HDD with the PS2 (even though it wasn't release 'till much later), along with both external HDD configuration (due to the V1, V2 design) while the V3 based models were mockup (obviously due to the lack of 'expected parts'

Odd, my dashboard has a copy option on it to move games to mem card. You sure your mem card is OK?
Aside from his Xbox having problems, there is no requirement by MS that the game save be able to 'fit' within the memory card or that saves store every parameter of the saved data...
Why do you think MS will reach merely 40M units after five years?
If they don't diversify their software lineup it sure as hell won't... (unless it existed in a relative vacuum).