like what?With some things it's a whole generation ahead of both IOS and Android.
as you say spring '11 they may have what the competition has today. Sure wp7 is most likely vastly superior to iphone1.0 but the thing is its competing against iphone 4.0 (+ next year 5.0) i.e. by the spring '11 the competition will have moved further on. Its like seeing specs for ipad competitors and saying they look great compared to the ipad (+ they do!),With some things, it still has to catch up. But do note that many of the shortcomings that people like to parrot are due in the first major update in the spring of '11. How many OS revisions did it take Apple before they were able to implement copy and paste? Which one will get Flash first?
And then u see they actually ship next year, i.e. whilst they may wipe the floor with the ipad spec wise, when they come out they'll be competing against the ipad 2.0

btw we may see flash apps on the iphone sooner than you think