Microsoft HoloLens [Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Holograms]

Engadet is just reposting what the other article states.
Even the guys from .NET Rocks (programming related podcast) thought that the field of view was a real problem. It'll eventually be solved though I am sure and even with the current model I am convinced some great use can be made of it already.
Even the guys from .NET Rocks (programming related podcast) thought that the field of view was a real problem. It'll eventually be solved though I am sure and even with the current model I am convinced some great use can be made of it already.

I think the challange they have is how to communicate the 'limitations' of the tech to the consumer the graphics are transparent and the FoV very small...I don't think your average joe understands this - I know a guy at work (this was just after E3) who's quite up on his tech, he's a massive MS fan and was telling me how great hololens was, when I explained the FoV limitations and about the graphics being transparent he didn't believe me. Don't get me wrong, as you say there's definitely a place for this and the next revision will be more suitable for the home, but I have a feeling of Kinect here where it was overpromised how good it actually was.

battery and cost will limit the field of view in the initial model to the equivalent of a 15-inch screen about two feet away
That's a tiny window. About 30 degrees diagonal FOV. More distracting than looking at a small TV/monitor at the distance, where you can move your head but still track the screen, content will keep moving in/out of view based on head movements as the window is physically defined by the glass orientation.

Very much a niche product at the moment and not a fabulous new AR era.
Microsoft is really setting up customers for a disappointment. Showing demos like the minecraft and then the reality being something completely different.

Yep, I mean...where to start? The table you can't see (but will in the final product)? The impression the world is 'massive' when it's just a small portion of your view? Or...well, I could go on but IMO that is not a representation of the final product. Now MS have set up nothing but heartache.
and the FoV very small...I don't think your average joe understands this
Um perhaps it has something to do with how its being presented

edit: I see manux has mentioned this by referencing the video

Or...well, I could go on but IMO that is not a representation of the final product. Now MS have set up nothing but heartache.
Hey, but at least they're given us a occulus rift -like 'ballpark' figure of what its going to look like
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Hopefully when they finally get around to shipping business and eventually consumer version, they'll have upped the battery life. 2.5-5.5 hours isn't so bad for a dev. device, but for in the field use, I'd imagine many companies would potentially want something more. Then again if it's meant to be used in short stints it won't be so bad if it has a very fast charging time.

seems to be in the same range as the vive pre controllers which is 4 hours. But you don't need a huge computer with the hololens
The first generatin will be developers only, then professionals only, and then consumers.
It's a 3/5 years timeframe, by that time the technology will be mature, ready, and abandoned like kinect.
The first generatin will be developers only, then professionals only, and then consumers.
It's a 3/5 years timeframe, by that time the technology will be mature, ready, and abandoned like kinect.
except the Kinect tech is inside of this , so its hardly abandoned. The original Kinect is also the best selling add on for any console ever
The first generatin will be developers only, then professionals only, and then consumers.
It's a 3/5 years timeframe, by that time the technology will be mature, ready
'Mature' doesn't help with the FOV where the limiting factor seems to be projection technology. Until some other tech comes along, full field AR isn't a viable tech.
and abandoned like kinect.
Let's not derail this thread discussing how (console) peripherals have faired. It's a high end professional commodity display device at this point.

By my rough calculations, the current Hololens FOv is akin to a 12" tablet held 18" away. That doesn't provide a lot of room for hand tracking with overlays to work in, but it's enough to get some jobs done for sure. However, the main competition remains a tablet with suitable software which you can move around as a window onto your world. Hololens only really gains the edge when you need your hands free.
'Mature' doesn't help with the FOV where the limiting factor seems to be projection technology.

In a recent interview they said that they are artificially reducing the fov for gpu and battery reasons, and that it will be increased according to silicon advancements
Yeah, but it's still limited to well shy of 90+ degrees VR levels by tech. At least going by everything I've seen posted and all the demos to date.
And to think that people used to do computing mostly on 9-13" monitors 1.5-2 feet away. It took well over a decade before 15" monitors at 1.5-2 feet away became something more than an expensive device for the rich and even longer before it became somewhat commonplace.

It's early days still for holographic computing, we'll have to see where it is in a few years as the technology continues to mature. If a device can make it into commercial use sooner rather than later, the technology advancement should speed up as increased R&D spending will be much easier to justify.

Question for Microsoft is whether they will still be a major player or will the market pass them by similar to the Tablets that they basically pioneered by that Apple gets most of the credit for.

There's definitely a market for AR googles like these. Don't be too put off by the small field of view.

I'm unsure if it needs to be full FOV for it to be effective at certain roles. But in a gaming related way sure it should be. But doing field work on site remotely with a technician at home base, the field of view may be adequate for most cases.

A lot of people would kill to have devices like these to something as simple as tracing cables. Or any DIY task where orientation matters etc; soldering or micro controller work comes to mind.
Augmented reality please, it's such a drag to be in a shop and have to find things, I could have a map and directions instead, also when I want to purchase, say glasses, I could filter out those too heavy, too expensive and the like, and the system would only highlight whatever is left after filtering. ATM I prefer to shop online because I sometimes can filter items like that, that's the future, no more time wasted, the machine filters things for you as you like !

Also imagine driving with one on, you would have to divert attention from the road as signs/directions would be overlaid...

Gimme the future now !
New Hololens NFL experience...

The FOV looks a little more realistic. Maybe they finally listened to the complaints. Personally I had no issue with it since I understood the limitations beforehand, but not everybody did.


Tommy McClain