Forza 2 looks like FM in HD?
watch this before coming into conclusions like that. Heck, that video doesnt even do both games justice. Try playing BOTH games and from that, you'd clearly see theres alot more going on other than just higher definition.
As for Halo 3, puhlease
. Like I said, watch Halo 2 (xbox or vista) and watch Halo 3 and you'll already notice some striking differences between the two games. Well, atleast the general consensus of this forum think so, maybe thru your eyes there isnt much going on
Best looking games are still UE3 based.... well, lets see now.... maybe its because there hasnt been much 1st party titles out on the market yet, and that practically every major publisher uses UE3 (ranging all parties), so theres not much variety there. Also, last time I checked, Lost Planet isnt UE3 and looks rather nice
Whats going on is that youre jumping into conclusions too early. Just as PS3 and Wii have room to grow to prove themselves, the X360 should be given that aswell.
Bah, nvm me. i'll just turn around and start walking that direction