MGS4 movie

He got a "Time-Out" for while ;). Its a shame really cause Id be interested in hearing his opinion now that we have direct feed screens (at their "true" resolution).
_leech_ said:
pointless PR picture

Hehe, then the whole MGS4 trailer should be banned here

It really seems some of you Sony fans are hellbent on such comparisons. I would think some of you would have learned after the "360 is dead" blah garbage in the locked thread would have got it out of your system.

As bad as the Xbox fans can be, some of you Sony fans are being pretty unbearable at this point. I still remember the "PGR3 is not impressive" comments from some of you. This place has gotten pretty bad.

Why not discuss the trailers, the technology, art direction, and leave the console war to finished products and actual sales? I swear, you guys are as defensive as Sony.

Anyhow, STOP ruining threads. You guys get pissed off when PC and others ruin threads, so I suggest stop doing it yourself. The constant Xbox/PS bashing from certain members is plain old.

_leech_ said:
Ok, what's not impressive about the trailer then?
Where did he say it isnt impressive? He just pointed out that there is a difference between singing a consoles praise and declaring console X beats console Y in the ****** wars.
Davidus said:
Where are you PC-Engine?


How can people complain about PC-Engine when you specifically call him out? Hint: if you DON'T want him trolling, then don't be picking at bloody scabs!

Common sense people! :mad: This is like an invitation to flames and brings down the thread.
Sorry Acert, I was just referring to the end of the MGS4 trailer (watch it or read the description of it, then you'll understand what I meant), don't see what was "ruining the thread" in that in your opinion?

From 1up:
Otacon continues, telling Snake that the Cell processor is "The key to winning the console war." He also promises that MGS4 will be "worth the wait."
See ;) It's Kojima who's trolling, not me.
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Acert93 said:
It really seems some of you Sony fans are hellbent on such comparisons. I would think some of you would have learned after the "360 is dead" blah garbage in the locked thread would have got it out of your system.

As bad as the Xbox fans can be, some of you Sony fans are being pretty unbearable at this point. I still remember the "PGR3 is not impressive" comments from some of you. This place has gotten pretty bad.

Why not discuss the trailers, the technology, art direction, and leave the console war to finished products and actual sales? I swear, you guys are as defensive as Sony.

Anyhow, STOP ruining threads. You guys get pissed off when PC and others ruin threads, so I suggest stop doing it yourself. The constant Xbox/PS bashing from certain members is plain old.


I second your post Acert.

I got my amazment out in my first few posts. I personally feel that this trailer, itself, blows killzone away in alot of aspects. I'm wondering how this will change everything we've come to know about next gen games. Killzone was believed to be impossbly high to reach (visually) and yet we get confirmation (througha trailer, from Kojima) that not only is Killzone possible...but it can be improved upon.
I'll have to see a direct feed before I call this a Killzone killer.

Really - it was amazing, but I just can't yet allow myself to hope the next gen will be that good!
_leech_ said:
Ok, what's not impressive about the trailer then?

1. I cannot see the trailer (is too choppy... audio but no video)

2. I already have 3 or 4 posts about how good MGS looks already based on what I have seen (do a search)

3. Reading comprehension: I never said anything about it NOT being impressive. I specifically am calling into question the posting habits of "360 is dead" that ruined the other thread that some of you seem intent to continue going.

So to review:

1. I have praised what I have seen of the game.

2. The "360 is dead" junk, like you posted, is trolling an inappropriate.

I find it odd that you take my rebuff of trolling to me, "It is not impressive". I see that not agreeing with the "end of the world" or having little stomach for the trolling is some kind of "disrespect" to how MGS looks :mad: Yet again an example of how people want to frame set this in a 360 vs PS3 "My console is uber leet, yours sucks" type situation.

Cannot someone agree it looks great but think the over the top mob mentality is silly and brings the forum down a lot? As Dave would say, I believe those two positions are orthagonal.
Well Im speechless. The graphics, animations etc.... All I can say is good job Kojima you did it again, I honestly wasent expecting him to pull it off better than Mgs2 trailer but he did.
What struck me the most was not only the visuals...but the animation. Everything moved so nicely. Also..I hadn't noticed it before but someone in another forum stated this. Theres little things in the game (gestures) that Snake does. One being when he takes his tongue and presses the cigarette against his upper lip. Man. I can only imagine the type of things that Kojima can do with these sequences. I can see how he wants to pay more attention to the "natural" aspect of this game.
If PS3 can get 4-5 exclusives that look on par with MGS4 in realtime!! It will cause a lot of people to second guess the XBox 360.

Killzone was widely referred to as a render and will likely not be realized on PS3. MGS4 shows that it can be.

*Vision Gran Tourismo

They are just missing an RPG. I hope more games target the PS3, then port to XBox360.

BlueTsunami said:
I second your post Acert.

I got my amazment out in my first few posts. I personally feel that this trailer, itself, blows killzone away in alot of aspects. I'm wondering how this will change everything we've come to know about next gen games. Killzone was believed to be impossbly high to reach (visually) and yet we get confirmation (througha trailer, from Kojima) that not only is Killzone possible...but it can be improved upon.

As an aside...

I agree that I think Killzone may be possible now. It will take a LOT of work and money and time... but I think PS3 may be up to it. Maybe not the clarity of some of the rendering/filtering, and maybe some aliasing... but overall I think it can do it.

Killzone seems to excell in subtle lighting and shadowing, animation, and particle effects.

Those are all things CELL can excell at or can assist the GPU with. e.g. someone had linked to a demo (not CELL based) of a particle system that looked VERY similar to the explosions in KZ.

Obviously the scene we saw would be very scripted in a real game, and the Killzone devs did not impress with KZ1 regardless of potential and promises... but it is looking more and more like something in that ballpark is quite possible.

Obviously I would want to see someone playing it, with a controller, on a finished system, but overall I think that ballpark is attainable (minus some AA and filtering).

I think the KZ trailer had more to do with theme and art paired with some reall cool technology choices and art direction.

Anyhow, thought this would be a good time to share that ;)
BlueTsunami said:
What struck me the most was not only the visuals...but the animation. Everything moved so nicely. Also..I hadn't noticed it before but someone in another forum stated this. Theres little things in the game (gestures) that Snake does. One being when he takes his tongue and presses the cigarette against his upper lip. Man. I can only imagine the type of things that Kojima can do with these sequences. I can see how he wants to pay more attention to the "natural" aspect of this game.

2nd time I watched it I was just staring at all the stuff flying around in the air trying to notice some of the little things you mentioned as well. The wall he lites his cig on looks pretty cool.