Metriod Prime

I might be posting a bit late but I just got my copy of Metroid Prime.
In OZ everything is about 6 months behind schedule
Now while the gameplay may be okay i guess, sometimes the graphics leave a bit to be desired.
I mean when first landing on the planet, its quite disgusting to watch. Dont get me wrong I do like the game, its just a fiar bit of fuss was made over the graphics and so far it really hasnt delivered al that much.
With everything so edgy in the game, it kind of reminds me of the q3 engine.
Any thoughts.
The graphics are nice, and the art is good.
In Q3 the graphics are ok, and the art is... well not my taste at all.

I'm not dispointed by Metroid Prime, it's very like Metroid Fusion gameplay wise (well the 3rd dimension adds a lot, but still get update, use update...)

- spoiler -
I should try to get ride of that giant plant.
Just like the gameplay, the graphics miraculously get better the farther you get in the game. That's not to say the number of polygons increases, just that the environments are more pleasing to look at.

Don't judge the game this early, right now your on a training level. It still looks solid IMO, but the more open environments you get to later look far better. Also right now you haven't seen any of the lovely little touches in this game. Comparing it to Q3 is a large injustice on MP IMO. I think you'll see that as the game progresses.
The graphics in the Tallon Overworld level isn't super hot. Many places in the Chozo Ruins level are totally amazing though if you just stop and have a look. Stop and look around (by holding R) and check out all the little details.

There's A TON of neato stuff everywhere.

The Ruins is overall probably the best-looking level in the game methinks.


PS: I have checked out the 50/60Hz settings in the game, and 60Hz has *definitely* more slowdown! Without a doubt. Stand in one end of the hall of the elders and fire off ice super missiles as fast as you can. 50Hz doesn't get jerky at all.

60 doesn't jerk much, but it is jerkiER, that's for sure.
I like in Metroid Prime how many different textures they use in eahc scene... they make locations VERY detailed and unique... I like the art in the game...
The attention to detail in Metroid Prime is pretty amazing, but there is no real bump-mapping going on and it gives the game a pretty flat look. I still like the look though.

The gameplay is OK, but I still have problems with the controls and I know I'm not alone in that regard. I wish you didn't have to scan so much either, as it's not the greatest way of getting the story across.

9/10 for sure, but not game of the year in my opinion.
Johnny Awesome said:
The attention to detail in Metroid Prime is pretty amazing, but there is no real bump-mapping going on and it gives the game a pretty flat look. I still like the look though.

I can swear I saw bump mapping, or at least something that looked a lot like it.
Echarin said:
Johnny Awesome said:
The attention to detail in Metroid Prime is pretty amazing, but there is no real bump-mapping going on and it gives the game a pretty flat look. I still like the look though.

I can swear I saw bump mapping, or at least something that looked a lot like it.

Likely REAL geometry. The chozo ruins are a good example of that, cracks everywhere on the floor and walls, when you're in morph ball form the lighting affecting the geometry might make it seem like bump mapping from a quick glimpse, afterall, bump mapping is basicly a mimic for geometry.
Johnny Awesome said:
The gameplay is OK, but I still have problems with the controls and I know I'm not alone in that regard. I wish you didn't have to scan so much either, as it's not the greatest way of getting the story across.

You aren't REQUIRED to scan very much at all :)
(stitch voice) okay okay
well i am getting used to it all
and yes the chozo ruins looks pretty darn good
there is no bump mapping
and thats okay because all the little grooves in the walls make up for it
all the tiles broken off and so forth
ummm the talon overword
is grabage still
I mean metriod prime cheats in the way it renders its levels because
the most you see at one time is two rooms
sometimes when you go to a door it loads a while, bcuz you went straight for it so the it didnt have time to buffer the next room
And its because of this cheating why i dont understand why they couldnt add a few extra polys here and there
I mean i understand that the big open areas are big open area and you cant do much, but the corridor....
I am not asking for bump mapping because that would give it an inconsistent feel to the large areas but ...
Good work overall on the baddies, the space pirates are pretty cool as are most of the bosses
Dunno the plant dude reminded me a bit to much of the last boss from PSO
But indeed the lighting rocks and yes definetly a lot of time was spent in this game.
PS .. how the hell do you kill that stupid ghost in chozo ruins
JacksBleedingEyes said:
ummm the talon overword
is grabage still
I mean metriod prime cheats in the way it renders its levels because
the most you see at one time is two rooms
sometimes when you go to a door it loads a while, bcuz you went straight for it so the it didnt have time to buffer the next room
And its because of this cheating why i dont understand why they couldnt add a few extra polys here and there
I mean i understand that the big open areas are big open area and you cant do much, but the corridor....

Well, the corridors ARE very well rounded, and notice all the pipes and cables and stuff on the walls? Smaller rooms/corridors DO tend to get cluttered, especially in the Chozo Ruins.

Dunno the plant dude reminded me a bit to much of the last boss from PSO

Eh? How so? I guess Dark Falz's first form looks a little like that, but stylistically it's very different.

PS .. how the hell do you kill that stupid ghost in chozo ruins

When it becomes 'visible' you can lock onto it. Just use the power beam. :) Two Super Missiles kill them on Normal.

Actually, one super missile and one standard charged shot kill them on normal. :) 2 super missiles is only if you go for overkill, but why waste five perfectly good missiles when it isn't needed? :D
