Metal Gear Solid 2...

SSX3 might be the first game that I'll buy the network adapter for and play online.
Never playerd Tricky, just the first SSX. How was the dts sound in Tricky?
GTA:VC had DTS 4.0, but there was seldom (or ever?) that I recognised any directional sounds from back, all it seemed to do was add ambience.
rabidrabbit said:
SSX3 might be the first game that I'll buy the network adapter for and play online.
Never playerd Tricky, just the first SSX. How was the dts sound in Tricky?
GTA:VC had DTS 4.0, but there was seldom (or ever?) that I recognised any directional sounds from back, all it seemed to do was add ambience.

admittedly, i realy enjoyed the DTS in Tricky, u could hear distinct sounds from boarders racing and screaming behing u, the public... and if u stay still turning around with the player, u can do the experiment where u check where the sounds come from (i've tried it with the public) and it's pretty cool...
I have said 'some cut scenes', and In all honesty I thought there was couple more of them, not just the first and the last one that had DD5.1 sound. I also never said PS2 version has DD encoding ingame (I'm well aware that none of the PS2 games does DD encoding, although some do DTS encoding, but not MGS2). Actually, I realy don't see what's so wrong with what I wrote there :\

I know, I just added some clarification so others who still confuse ENcoding and DEcoding wouldn't jump in ;)
marconelly! said:
The saving request at the middle of the game you mentioned is probably added there to mimic the saving request from MGS1 right before you get captured in the middle of the game (remember, MGS2 'simulates' events from MGS1) Do you really think they would get so far as to do voice recording of half of the game without knowing it's going to be made for PS2?

Could be, but keep in mind that save request also made sense from a gameplay POV because of coming right before a part where if you forgot to save, you're screwed, because if you mess up the torture scene you can't go back and try again.

All of the save requests in MGS2 come before nothing special at all, and in fact return control to the player almost immediately. The one I keep coming back to, right after the Harrier, comes at what I'd call a good 'stopping point' between discs but there's no emergency afterwards, and ample time to save on your own.

And what would be wrong with all the voice acting being done beforehand? PS1 can handle the same wave quality as PS2, and MGS2's codec samples aren't 100% quality anyway.
And what would be wrong with all the voice acting being done beforehand? PS1 can handle the same wave quality as PS2, and MGS2's codec samples aren't 100% quality anyway.
Well, it was not done beforehand.

Heck, just planning for the Plant stage hasn't even started well after Konami has been introduced to PS2 technology, not to mention it was obvious that the game was meant to be on PS2 from the beginning.

Just get that Document of MGS2, read the timeline, and give this nonsense a rest :p
Hey, did anyone here notice that MGS2 utilized the "Iris effect" that a lot of games are starting to use today such as Socom II? For those who don't know...

Iris effect = When you enter a room from a sunny outside area, the room is dark at first and then your vision adjust to the new light and the room becomes lighter... much like in real life.

This can be seen whenever Raiden goes from outside on the Plant connecting bridges to the indoor hallways that lead inside the Struts. Just an interesting fact that I noticed the other day!
And when you went from the rain into the tanker indoors, your vision was momentarily fogged, like when you wear glasses the moisture condensates on them when you go from cold, moist outdoors to warmer indoors.
But Snake doesnt wear glasses... :?
rabidrabbit said:
And when you went from the rain into the tanker indoors, your vision was momentarily fogged, like when you wear glasses the moisture condensates on them when you go from cold, moist outdoors to warmer indoors.
But Snake doesnt wear glasses... :?

it was a "simulation" of the camera lens.... :LOL:
like when they shoot u while in FPS mode, u see the screen shattering.. it's the "camera lens".... :D
rabidrabbit said:
I see :)
That's why the fogging occured even when you were in 3rd person view.
Dumb me :)

hehe... anyway, yeah i liked those little touches MGS2 had... like when playing as Raiden at the very beginning of the second part of the game, when coming out of the water u can see the water dripping on your visor, it's pretty nice.... it's a shame it was in such a small scale...
hopefully next generation we will have games with more of that kind of realism in a much bigger scale....
my personal dream is a game with thousands and thousands of characters on screen, LOTR style... the day i can see that in-game will be one of my personal milestones in life...
i won't tell u what the others are :LOL: :LOL: sorry i couldnt resist... :LOL:
london-boy said:
rabidrabbit said:
I see :)
That's why the fogging occured even when you were in 3rd person view.
Dumb me :)

hehe... anyway, yeah i liked those little touches MGS2 had... like when playing as Raiden at the very beginning of the second part of the game, when coming out of the water u can see the water dripping on your visor, it's pretty nice.... it's a shame it was in such a small scale...
hopefully next generation we will have games with more of that kind of realism in a much bigger scale....
my personal dream is a game with thousands and thousands of characters on screen, LOTR style... the day i can see that in-game will be one of my personal milestones in life...
i won't tell u what the others are :LOL: :LOL: sorry i couldnt resist... :LOL:
Those effects are so good just because they are not overused. Like in ICO, you hardly notice some effects, but they add hugely to the athmosphere. It's like in movies, the best SFX are those you think just belong there, without drawing attention to themselves.
I can't imagine a game with thousand of characters on screen during gameplay being very playable, even if the framerate is constant 60 fps (Dynasty Warriors with 1000+ characters on screen -> mess)
My game wet dream is GTA game with 60fps and BurnOut2 or JakII quality cars+environments (only bigger) and control plus Tekken quality characters. I think we'll see it early next gen.
well it would be FUN to do some parts of the game where, much like ZOE2, u shoot down lke 50 enemies at one time, because ur character is so much more powerful than them... like, in a section of the game u just slaughter 1000's of enemies with just a couple of hits... that would be COOL to see.... u know what i mean....
or having a world environment u can destroy DBZ style....
of course it would get boring if the whole game was like that, but for the sake of achievement, it would be cool to see once in a while...
of course i would prefere other types of games. namely a FF game with a DECENT engine (let's say a much more evolved Jak2 engine) with the art only Square can produce...
*starts drooling*
london-boy said:
of course i would prefere other types of games. namely a FF game with a DECENT engine (let's say a much more evolved Jak2 engine) with the art only Square can produce...
*starts drooling*

Well you'll get it with FF XII.. only without Hironobu Sakaguchi, Tetsuya Nomura, and the rest of the Final Fantasy Usual Suspects :cry:

* shudders @ the thought of deformed munchkin FF:CC people running around on his FF XII *
* shudders @ the thought of deformed munchkin FF:CC people running around on his FF XII *
To tell you the truth, I'd much rather take the funny/fantasy look of FF9 than the faux seriousness of FFX, which makes me roll my eyes way more often than I can take anything in it seriously :\
FF has always been an enigma. The "faux-serious" has certainly looked out of place when they tried it in all the earlier titles where all they had were small, super-deformed sprites with hardly any visable facial expressions unless they're totally overdone.

I at least approve of them TRYING to move towards realistic modelling, no matter what the subject matter. Still plenty of stuff will be done the old way for years to come.
Amano-san was GREAT with sprites and character art in the SNES days, but I really detested his efforts during FF 9. Nomura-san on the other hand has been Square's ace character designer for the past 3 FF games (and KH).. I really can't imagine another blockbuster game without him :?

(and ofcourse Sakaguchi-san has been the Exec Producer since FF 1..)