Metal Gear Rising Revengeance

Looks like the slice tool(?) in 3D max instead of creating a edge the split up the geometry. Hope we get some more info soon from famitsu and did they just confirmed it's somewhere between mgs 2~4 so maybe some snake action too.
also thanks for the highjack about non tech posts D:

however for those who didnt...

Dead Rising allows you to do stuff like with some weapons.

nah dead rising is the pre-determined models. no matter what they're being cut perfectly horizontal on their mid section despite clear clipping on arms and such.

Looks like it's using the same framebuffer as MGS4. I wonder if both consoles will have the same resolution. Hopefully the HDR transfers perfectly onto the 360 engine.

hmm maybe both versions will be sub 720.
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Is the pic that you posted in-game? because I thought that the first part of the trailer was not real-time...also IIRC Rising is based on a brand new engine.

I don't think the trailer was "real-time" because of the frame-rate. However, it's perfectly possible that they just rendered it at a higher framerate, as someone else suggested while using in-game assets. The first part may not have been real-time, but it was definitely in-game. If you look at the gamersyde 720p video 60fps (and the screenshot I posted), you can see that there's aliasing and less than perfect textures (along with jagged meshes) in the intro. Still looks amazing, but it's certainly in-game. As for the engine, Kojima did say it was new but that doesn't mean they still can't use the same resolution+AA. It worked nicely in MGS4, so I'm sure they will reuse it.

I'll play devil's advocate though, hopefully the game does indeed run at 60fps :D

Or it could be that they are using a different type of framebuffering, such as triple buffering. MGS4 was double buffered v-synced. It was either running at 60fps, 30fps, or 20 and lower fps (mostly 30fps). It did reach 60fps frequently though, when things were very calm or environments weren't that complex. This could mean that the actual framerate was around the 40-50fps area. If they dropped the double buffered v-sync method and used, say, triple buffering without vsync the framerate wouldn't be limited to 30fps most of the time, peaking at the 40, 50, or even 60fps range with very minimal tearing. To the average eye, 40fps is much smoother after playing at 30fps. The jump in smoothness is smaller when you jump to 50fps and 60fps. If performance is similar to MGS4, it could be that the trailer was running in the 40-60fps range, but was running at 60fps perceptually in our eyes. Anyway, that's my take on the new engine.
I'm pretty sure the cutscenes are realtime, no reason why they couldn't be.

Anyway is it just me or does that big gorilla looking enemy look kinda stupid? He has huge arms and legs but tiny Japanese girly
If that is real-time, it's real-time on the PC. In terms of "no reason why they couldn't be" real-time, the complete lack of aliasing in the presentation I saw is a bit of a giveaway!
If that is real-time, it's real-time on the PC. In terms of "no reason why they couldn't be" real-time, the complete lack of aliasing in the presentation I saw is a bit of a giveaway!

There is aliasing present on the metal grate on the floor (0:41) and (0:52) as well as texture aliasing on the ground (0:57) and finally there is aliasing on the railing in the background (1:29). There's also aliasing at (0:34) at the bottom of the fan frame.
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