Metal Gear 4 headed for XB360?

Why up to the games release? If things keep going the way they are at the moment then you'll hear it beyond the release. Statements along the lines of "Game XXX 4 are exclusive to platform A" doesn't necessarily preclude that "Game XXX <slightly Renamed> is coming to platform B (or C, or C and B)" with a few cosmetic changes.


I also remember another company making statements like that for the longest time despite rumors to the contrary. AC. The will deny it until they are ready to officially announce it.

I don't think MGS4 is coming to the 360 but I do think these rumors are hints that Kojima has something in the works for the 360.
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I also heard that Konami interested with having MSG4 on the 360. Apparently the MonoSodium Glutamate makes it easier to swallow.
Just quoteing again

"Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time," a Konami representative told CVG, reiterating that the Hideo Kojima stealth-em-up was still "exclusive to PlayStation 3."

Abit contradictive no?.

P.S. Hello everyone :)
Didnt kojima said that he liked of the controler and planned to use it?

Kijima is indeed working with Wii (althought we dont now in what, once Nintendo have no interest in it (in a interviewn made to wit even the nintendo guy give the answer to not let he speake to much:D )), but I would personally doubt of MGS4 on Wii (at very least not anything near a port, but a total "remake") because engine, content and controls would be so diferent that no good would come from it and kojima isnt know to do bad games or just trying to get every cent of the gamers (cogh... FarCry Wii cogh...).

The Wii project with Suda has only been talk till now unfortunatly, hell it's isn't even sure if it will be on Wii .
Isn't Suda 51's game made by Capcom?
Wow, a company representative reiterated the existing official company line.

So I guess that settles it. No variant of MGS4 could possibly even be being considered for the 360. Also, the PS3 is still on track for a Spring 2006 release and Sega are definitely not leaving hardware. Because clearly, when a company representative reiterates the existing official company line, you can be absolutely certain that they are doing their best to give you the full picture!

"Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time," a Konami representative told CVG, reiterating that the Hideo Kojima stealth-em-up was still "exclusive to PlayStation 3."

Since pedantry (would be apt if that's not a word and someone picked me up on it) is the soup of the day regarding things like "at this time", I'd point out that they also said Konami has NO PLANS this time.

Now, surely if they were thinking of making a port later on, then that would be considered making a plan. Ergo, no plans = not thinking about it.

Still, nice to see that unknown sites like are believed ahead of the game developer's and executive producer/lead director's comments.
I wish I could contribute more than my two cents on this matter, but here goes:

Negative, Jose. This game will not come out for 360. It's blatantly obvious to me. Nothing in the history of the series suggests that it would. And yes, that includes the release of MGS2:S on XBox. That game was ignored by the userbase.
I don't think anyone knows if there is going to be a MGS4 port to the 360, maybe not even Konami.

I think it will depend on several things. How many PS3 consoles there will be out there and how many copies of the game they sell for example. If they feel that after 6 months or whatever the sales do not correspond to their expectations they might make is quick cash in port, most likely even crappier than the MGS2 for the xbox.

So to me the most likely scenario is that they release the game for the PS3, and do not mention anything about a 360 port, as to not disturb its sales on PS3 and then later on maybe release it for the 360, a bit like the GTA on PS2 and xbox. I don't see them having any reason to announce it for the 360 unless they intend to release it for both platforms almost simultaniously...

Last gen Xbox had the advantage of being considerably more powerful, so a "quick cash in port" was easy to pull off. Now that they are about equal, a game as optimized for the hardware as I expect MGS4 to be should be pretty hard to port quickly. Besides the fact that MGS was already ignored on the Xbox platform by its userbase. So I don't really see this happening, ever. You may quote me on that and I'll gladly admit my stupidity if I'm wrong.
Then how about we wait until Konami announces it before we say it's coming out for the 360?

Just to toss this out... but why wasn't this same rule applied to Oblivion months back? We had a slew of posters, many new, who were dead set that AC was a PS3 exclusive but, on much weaker evidence, we gung ho on the Oblivion rumor. Why wasn't this standard applied this summer?

Not that I care (PC baby!). I think it has been nice to THOUGHTFULLY look at some of the rumors and conjecture and put them in their place in regards to market movement and powers that be (e.g. install bases, delays, etc) I was pretty sure Assassin's Creed was 360 bound and Oblivion, after a number of more firm rumors surfaced, was PS3 bound.

Really not a big deal.

Expecting people to WAIT until the game is officially announced... why? If there is a semi-reliable rumor (e.g. printed on the front page of a magazine, seen running on a machine, drunk developer lets comments fly, political wishy washy answers on exclusivity, etc) why not discuss it?

I can see why it is VAIN to make up rumors and then discuss them. "OMGWTFBBQ! Halo 3 is PS3 bound". Ok, that is just stupid. But we see publishers hop beds, change "sides", rekindle old flames, and go for the cheap "marry for money" tactics all the time. With the movement for more multiplatforming as well as changing market dynamics this is a hot topic of interest.

Okay Lost Planet and Dead Rising will be PS3 games in 2007. I can feel it coming. :cool:

Possible! But where did you hear these rumors :smile:

EDIT: Seems Scoob beat me on the Oblivion comments.
The chance of MGS4 coming to x360 is pretty good imo. Both xbox and gc recieved MGS games even though PS2 userbase was already huge.
The chance of MGS4 coming to x360 is pretty good imo. Both xbox and gc recieved MGS games even though PS2 userbase was already huge.

Both which were not made by Kojima's team. Only port worth mentioning is the GC port because it was pretty good port, but the xbox port...or was the Xbox port? GC port definately wasn't.

I wouldn't put my money on MGS4 arriving to Xbox360.
Its the last game, i'd be surprised if they didnt try to milk it to be honest, even if its released 2 years after the PS3 version. Last game of the series and all.