Metal Gear 4 headed for XB360?

Both which were not made by Kojima's team. Only port worth mentioning is the GC port because it was pretty good port, but the xbox port...or was the Xbox port? GC port definately wasn't.

I wouldn't put my money on MGS4 arriving to Xbox360.

Port or not both of those consoles got a MGS game despite the 60+ million PS2 install base. With PS3 struggling to gain marketshare vs X360, shareholders have the power to force certain exclusives to become non exclusive, just look at RE4 which was an exclusive that became nonexclusive due to shareholders.
"Still exclusive to the playstation 3"

Bethesda said the same thing prior to the 360 launch about Oblivion as well. The PS2 GTA games can also be called exclusive. It means nothing other than the PS3 will be the only system to have it during the games initial launch. It does not mean that its the end life of the production of the game. Most games labeled exclusive and not under ownership of said console creator (for example Microsoft and Halo) are simply under a contract which can, and does, expire a number of months later. If someone else wants to shell out the cash they can quite problably get the game ported.
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I also remember another company making statements like that for the longest time despite rumors to the contrary. AC. The will deny it until they are ready to officially announce it.
Slight difference though, in that the developer had a reputation for cross-platform releases and the game was first announced for XB360 before being hushed up in that department.

almighty said:
"Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time," a Konami representative told CVG, reiterating that the Hideo Kojima stealth-em-up was still "exclusive to PlayStation 3."
Not contradictory. 'At this time' is a standard PR response. Nothing is set in stone. Konami want to keep options open even if they intend to never release on XB360. That's because the plan to never release is the plan as from now. In a year's time, maybe things will have changed and they will do a port? In which case, if they had said 'we'll never releases MGS4 onto XB360' they'd have egg on their face.

'Still exclusive to PS3' is affirming that there is no XB360 version in development or on the cards for development. At this point in time (unless this chap is lying or uninformed), there is no MGS4 due for XB360. It may happen in the future, but isn't currently happening.
Never heard of "xclusive 4life!" for third-party games AFAIK. Expect the port of MGS4 for the XBLA on Xbox 4! :idea:
Slight difference though, in that the developer had a reputation for cross-platform releases and the game was first announced for XB360 before being hushed up in that department.

And the difference in wording from the two publishers:

Konami is saying
"no plans at this time"

That means, they have no plans to do so. Basically meaning : No, MGS4 is exclusive as far as we know.

Ubisoft kept saying:
"'Assassin's Creed is coming to the PS3. No other announcements have been made.'""

We have plans for other plattforms, but we havent annouced it yet.
it is important to note that both Assassins Creed and Oblivion were originally planned for both consoles...but when Sony was having difficulty in deciding whether or not the HDD would be optional or not (which Bethesda somehow found vital), the Devs put the whole situation on hold and opted to work solely on the 360. When word got out that the PS3 would come with a standard HDD, Bethesda was back in the planning stages of the PS3 port.

Assassins Creed was actually announced for the 360 months before the PS3 version ever X05 (known as "Project Assassin"). Ubisoft being mum about the 360 version during E3 was probably influenced by Sony in hopes of giving the PS3 more buzz.

MGS4, on the other hand, has always been hyped as a PS3 killer app, since its existence was just rumored. I'm predicting a timed exclusive, at the very best; again, we're still assuming that a port could even be possible in the game's final form. Who's to say that, given the two consoles' technical/hardware differences, a port would even be possible in the end, let alone easy? Kojima had the benefit of the Xbox's superior power last gen, and the port still came out a bit shoddy. Not the case, this time around.
In the console world, install base=clout. The machine with the largest install base will ALWAYS get the hits, because publishers need to maximize their profits. It's really as simple as that - there's no loyalty, there's no liking or disliking of companies, there's just sales. The only exceptions to this are first party titles and "exclusive deals", where "exclusive deals" means "paying the publisher millions not to release on another platform". So unless Sony is going to pay Konami not to release on 360, and the amount they're going to pay is greater than the extra ROI they'd get from that release, then it will be released on 360. Everything else is just a question of timing.
So unless Sony is going to pay Konami not to release on 360, and the amount they're going to pay is greater than the extra ROI they'd get from that release, then it will be released on 360. Everything else is just a question of timing.

But will Kojima and his team be making this MGS4 game for the 360?
In the console world, install base=clout. The machine with the largest install base will ALWAYS get the hits, because publishers need to maximize their profits. It's really as simple as that - there's no loyalty, there's no liking or disliking of companies, there's just sales.
Not absolutely true. There's also artistic integrity and a choice of platform based on a desire to maximise your product. You will find some 3rd parties wanting to work exclusively, and if the devs have any clout, they may be able to convince their publisher of that, though undoubtedly there's a lot of pressure to target larger markets only.
Never heard of "xclusive 4life!" for third-party games AFAIK. Expect the port of MGS4 for the XBLA on Xbox 4! :idea:

Then you must have never heard of titles like ZOE (PS2), Otogi (Xbox), Discaea (PS2), Star Ocean (PS2), Suikoden (PS2), Wild Arms (PS2), ...

The list of "xclusive 4life" titles from third party devs (even the ones who do multi-platform titles aswell) is longer than history would care to repeat..

Maybe this generation the landscape of game exclusivity will change but in the past the vast majority of games/franchises have pretty much lived and died on a single platform..
Not absolutely true. There's also artistic integrity and a choice of platform based on a desire to maximise your product. You will find some 3rd parties wanting to work exclusively, and if the devs have any clout, they may be able to convince their publisher of that, though undoubtedly there's a lot of pressure to target larger markets only.

Very true.. You only have to look at devs like Team Ninja who leaped into the Xbox camp in favour of the greater hardware capability as opposed to developing the DOA franchise on the PS2 which they had already done amazing things with when they developed DOA2..
In the console world, install base=clout. The machine with the largest install base will ALWAYS get the hits, because publishers need to maximize their profits. It's really as simple as that - there's no loyalty, there's no liking or disliking of companies, there's just sales. The only exceptions to this are first party titles and "exclusive deals", where "exclusive deals" means "paying the publisher millions not to release on another platform". So unless Sony is going to pay Konami not to release on 360, and the amount they're going to pay is greater than the extra ROI they'd get from that release, then it will be released on 360. Everything else is just a question of timing.

If money were the only variable to take into account, then all the major 3rd party games out there would be multi-platform. Final Fantasy would be multiplatform because MS would pay them insane amounts of money to release on their machine. Obviously that isn't happening, not because MS isn't offering the cash, but because there are other things to take into account.
Seriously chill out a bit.

Does anyone really think MGS4 will come to 360?? Probably not.

It is damn funny watching the Sony guys get up in arms at the very suggestion though...

This is near the level of claiming Bungie changing ships and coming out with Halo 3 on PS3 instead.

Seriously chill out a bit.

Does anyone really think MGS4 will come to 360?? Probably not.

It is damn funny watching the Sony guys get up in arms at the very suggestion though...

I do think MGS 4 sub is a possibility and it's not nearly as funny as watching X fans claiming almost every goddamn ps3 title multiplat.

Isn't Suda 51's game made by Capcom?

Yeah, kojima knows Gouichi Suda and both of them where brainstorming a while ago and expressed interest in collaborating on a game but so far nothing is know about "project S" except for that it most likely will be for Rev.
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Seriously chill out a bit.

Does anyone really think MGS4 will come to 360?? Probably not.

It is damn funny watching the Sony guys get up in arms at the very suggestion though...

So what's worst? 360 guys making darn near every exclusive PS3 game multiplatform for no reason or me and the PS3 owners (and non owners) saying let's wait to see it announced?
This is near the level of claiming Bungie changing ships and coming out with Halo 3 on PS3 instead.


Mmm not really, Bungie is pretty much second party - if not even first party? Whereas Konami are as third party as it gets. So it is a bit different... There have been MGS games on Xbox and PC. You will never see Halo on anything other than Xbox or PC.
So what's worst? 360 guys making darn near every exclusive PS3 game multiplatform for no reason or me and the PS3 owners (and non owners) saying let's wait to see it announced?

How about: who cares? Seriously, it's just talk.

Sankari - I didn't know Sony was publishing MGS.
Mmm not really, Bungie is pretty much second party - if not even first party? Whereas Konami are as third party as it gets. So it is a bit different... There have been MGS games on Xbox and PC. You will never see Halo on anything other than Xbox or PC.

Actually, bungie is owned by Microsoft, its first party.

Sankari said:
This is near the level of claiming Bungie changing ships and coming out with Halo 3 on PS3 instead.


Not at all. MGS has been on the xbox plattform before, and Konami is a third party developer.

Bungie is owned by MS, unless microsoft starts realeasing games for the PS3, its not going to happend.

A third party developer however, has no loyality, he will release where he earns the most money. IF the PS3 fails, the "exclusives" will be found on whatever plattform has the majority.
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